Chapter 16 - Connecting Dots

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"Hey, Sally!"

You called out, walking down the second floor of Production, passing by Sally's observance office. You noticed it looked over all of Production, and it was made of pure glass. That just made you nervous, but Sally didn't seem to mind. It also made you incredibly concerned, seeing as how you were standing at a guardrail, and her office was about 15 feet away. In open air. Attached to the ceiling.

"Hey, Neighbor! Hold on, give me a minute!" She called to you, pressing a button on a door, that was literally the only wall that wasn't transparent.

You heard a ding behind you, and she then appeared from another elevator.

"Hey, you got some time? There's something I need to talk about."

Sally immediately perked up at your unusual attitude.

"Yeah, no problem! You don't sound good, why don't we go down to the break room."

You nodded, and Sally lead you away, down the stairs, through the halls, and she looked as if she knew something you didn't. It caused you suspicion as you two sat down in the break room, after she handed you a water bottle.

"What's the water for?" You ask, and she simply smiles.

"In case you start crying. You don't wanna get dehydrated."

You then realized how good of a friend Sally was. You couldn't help but smile, and stutter as you tried to thank her.

"Ah- nope- don't thank me. It's what friends do. Now tell me what's wrong."

You sigh, feeling stupid as you begin to speak.

"It's Mr. Darling. He used to treat me well and nicely, but now ever since- um... I told him he was... a good person... he's cut me off completely. I mean nothing now. And I know it's a soft, selfish desire but I felt like we were friends. I trusted him."

You paused, now feeling even more silly now that you've said it.

"It's eating me up. All I wanted was to be friends. And it's dumb because I can't fucking focus now! Like am I really gonna be so damn weak as to let this get in the way of work? I'm a fucking-"

"Aaaand that's where I stop you. You're not weak. You're one of the strongest people I know. Whatever self-deprecating insults are going through your head, shut the hell up and listen to me. Wally... I can't tell you much... but I have a sneaking suspicion he doesn't know how to handle his feelings."

She looked as if some dots had connected in her mind, and the words seemed to follow through with that connection. What did she know? The curiosity burns like hot coals, but you have a feeling you won't know.

"So... he's being a total dick because he doesn't want to in the first place? That's fucked up. That's not how relationships with others work."

She nodded.

"I concur completely. Just... don't tell him we had this talk, okay? I need to go."

She stood up to leave, and as soon as she did, this elderly looking woman in a lab coat came up to you.

"Sweetheart, can you show me where the west wing labs are?"

You stood up, and lead her to the doorway, giving her directions.

"Thank you, sweetie. Also... that boy sounds bad for you, dear. You might want to stay away from him."

That made you realize. He wasn't good for you.

"Yes, thank you, ma'am. I will." You smiled as she began to walk away.

That bitch won't get under your skin again.

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