Chapter 13 - Color Theory: Part II

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"Can you feel the effect the raw color has on your mind? Come, observe blue."

The green Spectra was a neutral, room temperature and you felt so at one with everything, it was hard to leave it. But you did, and the blue had a wild effect. It was cool, not horribly cold, but still cool. And you felt so calm. So very calm, it was beautiful. Who cares about problems right now? You can't interrupt the beauty of being at peace. You allowed your eyes, or, eye and empty socket, to close, savoring the moment.

"Neighbor, don't close your eyes. Blue has made people fall asleep- oh shit-"

He caught you as you fell, jumping awake as you toppled into his arms.

"Sorry, sorry," You apologized as he hoisted you up into a standing position.

"You're fine, you didn't know. Just don't mess with blue for too long. That's what happens when you let the blue's sedative effect fuck with you. Indigo and purple are easier to handle, but indigo is fucking cold. Oh, and pink... pink does lovey dovey shit to people. I won't touch it."

He explained, the glow of the Spectra illuminating him in different lights as he walked up and down the pools, giving an extra dose of fear to the scientists to do their job right while you followed on his heels.

"Let us take our leave, Neighbor."

"Yeah, I think I'm all for that now that I passed out here."

Back up at the Spectra Falls, out of complete impulse you grabbed him by the wrist as he went to leave. He turned around, looking angry.


You looked away, not out of fear, but more embarrassment.

"Can we stay here for a bit? I quite like the view. Maybe we could... talk? I don't know,"

You asked him, not knowing what you were doing but you had this anxious feeling that if you didn't do it soon this Walden Darling would vanish right before your eyes. For some reason, you didn't want that. Even though he was a prick at times.

He looked surprised, maybe a bit taken aback by your bold request.

"Yes... that's fine. But what do you want to talk about with a wreck like me?" He smiled wryly, obviously meaning that as a joke, but it wasn't very funny to you.

"Well, I have one thing. Do you like music?"
You said, leaning on the guard rail and watching the colors flow down.

"Well, obviously." He said, walking over to stand next to you. "Who doesn't?"

"Soulless people," You guessed with a chuckle.

"Good thing to know I still have a soul, then." He said, and you found this quite entertaining.

"Oh my God it's worse than I thought!" You gasped. "They made her emo!" You laughed, elbowing him playfully.

He shook his head, a ghost of a humored smile flitting across his face.

"I'm serious, Neighbor. I kill for a living. I've killed people for fucking up on the job. I've experimented on people, and you're telling me I'm not heartless?"

You paused. It wasn't very funny anymore.

"You have a heart. You just... keep it away. I don't think I've seen it yet, but I know it's there. I know it's good, too."
You say, quietly, but he seems to be enraptured in every word with perfect clarity.

He doesn't seem to respond, or really react.

"I'm glad you think so." He said coldly.
"I have to leave. I- I need to get reports done."

He swiftly goes to leave before referring to you one last time.

"Nice talk. Maybe another time."

Then you were alone.

Then, the falling color didn't seem so bright.

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