Chapter 22 - Acclimation

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You were just doing your job one boring Friday when Julie called you down to the west wing. You sped down there pretty quickly, seeing as how you were pretty curious. You weren't supposed to start in the west wing just yet.

Approaching her, she looked stern, but she softened as she saw you.

"Hey, Neighbor! How have the greyscaling treatments been?" She asked you, and part of you wanted to tell her it's none of her business, but that's only because everyone asks about it.

"They've been going great, my fear recently got reintroduced, so now I can function properly and experience spectrums of emotion with the basic set back." You responded, and she nodded, looking quite fascinated.

"That's good. I just... called you down to show you around the place. And maybe have a word with you about... you know."

You're not surprised a tour of the west wing was the excuse. After all, you can see Julie's perspective. Finding out your ex-husband moved on from you is kind of jarring, especially when you're working alongside the person he's 'moved on to'. You still have no idea if he meant what he said.

"Wait, you know what I know? Are we- do we know the same thing? Are we talking about knowing-"

Julie cut you off, looking annoyed.

"Yes! We're talking about the same damn thing, don't act like I don't know the way Walden thinks of you."

Whoa. Okay, sudden.

"Wait, so the whole thing was genu-"

"Let's take a look around the place." She said, placing a hand on your shoulder and leading you away.

"Here's the offices, next to that is the labs,"

She lead you down a corridor that lead to some hallways, the office hall, the lab hall, you know, the stuff she's saying.

"There's Wally's private lab. I'm sure you're very familiar with it. It has no security cameras, because everything that goes on down there is confidential. Highly confidential."

She said, a hint of venom in her voice. Was she mad that you got treatment for your greyscaling? For your Spectra overdosing? The hell?

"Anyways, here's our break room, in my opinion it is much more comfortable than the one in Production. Then there's the intensive study units, I pray you never witness them, aaaaand aside from the psych wards, that's it."

You nodded, slightly confused at the psych wards. Is that where the failed psychological experiments go?

"Now that you've seen the place, we really need to talk. Alone."

She turned to face you, and she didn't look stern anymore. She was concerned, and maybe a bit fearful.

"Of course." You reciprocated, and she began to walk down the office corridors, leading you into hers. Once doors were closed, she referred to you in a hushed tone.

"So. You know that Walden and I used to be married?"

You feigned a look of shock, saying "No... I didn't..." even though you knew through listening in on their conversation that one time.

"Yeah, it was great, we even adopted a girl named Ophelia. Then... she died suddenly, and Walden's mental health spiraled, along with his relationship to me. I knew it would hurt him, but I called it quits. I couldn't deal with it anymore. I miss my little girl everyday, and I know he does, too."

She paused, melancholy.

"Just tell me you won't hurt him again. He's been through too much."

Julie pleaded with you, looking you dead in the eye.

"I won't. I promise."

You promised her quietly, and a grateful smile emerged on her face.

"Thank you, Neighbor."

She gave you a hug, and you reciprocated, finding the hints of a new friendship in this woman.

"No problem, Julie."

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