Chapter 29 - The Glow

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(Warning! This chapter is super fluffy and just generally pure and affectionate, so I am not liable for any individuals suffering from cardiac arrest because of how adorable this chapter is)

Recently, as you did both your soon-ending job and cared for Wally as he slowly recovered from the hallucinogens, you realized that what Poppy said, you took to heart. You've been more optimistic, working harder for a better outcome. You've also been researching what exactly Walther is doing around the factory. Turns out, where the factory is testing chemicals, is a cartel's shipment route to prevent government interference. You suspect that they want to shut down the whole operation by taking out the main man in charge.

You weren't gonna have that.

"Hey, Wally." You chimed, strolling into the infirmary on a nice Wednesday morning. You started in the west wing in two days time.

"Hey there, sweetheart." He smiled, and you choked on the air you were breathing, as you handed him a bottle of water from the break room.

"Whoa, whoa, you have a reputation! Where is this coming from? Are you sick or something?" That shock turned into concern very quickly as you heard him laugh, removing your hand which you had hastily pressed to his forehead.

"No, Neighbor, I'm just fine. Nobody's listening in, and if they were I'd throw them in the grinder." He explained.

"If you're so certain. I know you don't want just anyone to know."

"Yes." He replied, clearing his throat. "Especially not Julie-" He added quickly.

"She asked me not to hurt you. She said that you've been through too much already." You admitted quickly, and he looked confused.

"When was this?"

"When she showed me around the west wing. This was the same time she told me about Ophelia." Your voice just got quieter as you spoke, afraid of Wally snapping at you for talking about his daughter.

"Hm." He seemed lost in thought as you watched him take a breath, as if to equalize himself. "That was actually quite kind of her. Damn, I didn't think she had any kindness left for me."

He chuckled, but you could see the pain behind it. Sitting down on the infirmary bed next to him, you leaned your head against him, whispering softly.

"It's gonna be okay."

You felt him shift as he placed a small kiss to the top of your head, answering with a small;

"I know."

You looked up at him, and you swore you could see that glow that Poppy was talking about. A small smile appeared on his face, and you, on a complete impulse decision, guided him downwards to kiss him softly. Walden seemed quite surprised, but he didn't resist. In fact, it felt as if he leaned a bit closer.

The sensation was warm and soothing, a wonderful breath of fresh air from how stressful maintaining the factory has been. Basically doing Wally's job on such short notice has put so many weights on your shoulders. This took them all off.

Eventually, you had to separate, and you smiled up at him, brushing some stray hairs from his face.

"Thanks," he whispered lowly, chuckling softly.

"No problem," You responded, admiring the smile on his face. "You doing okay? Anything else you need?"

A look on his face suggested he thought of something clever, a smirk appearing soon after.

"I mean, I'd love for you to stay... but you seem real busy..." He said, and he laughed as you gave him a playful punch to the arm.

"Oh, stop it!" You chided, laughing alongside him. "Are you trying to rizz me?" You asked him in lighthearted suspicion.

He stammered a bit, before saying, "Am I? Is that the right context?"

"Bro has no rizz." You said, not even bothering to answer the lack of context.

"Sorry, darling, I gotta go now. I'll see you around if Poppy manages to let you go today." You patted him on the shoulder before standing up to leave.

"See you later." He smiled as you waved goodbye, stepping out of the Infirmary.

The peace was a beautiful part of today, but now you have serious work to do. The part of today that isn't so beautiful.


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