Chapter 19 - Blue and Grey

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(Hey rf simps? Remember when I said I would feed you? Well I've been building up Neighbor and Wally's lack of relationship and foreshadowing up to this moment! Feast, my simp children. Your father is proud of you.)

Your eyes fluttered open, and your emotions were still dull, except for an overwhelming feeling of sorrow. There was no reason for it. You had what you wanted. To be calm. Why were you so sad?

You sat up, rubbing your eyes in exhaustion, a wave of dizziness as you did so. Wally stared at you, and his eyes were red, as if he'd been crying. You knew he didn't do that, though. Maybe he's sleep deprived.


You gave a small wave, and Wally's eyes flashed with fear for a moment. That's weird. Oh, well. It doesn't matter.

Then, your breath wavered as you begin to cough. It hurt, as if the act shredded your lungs with little razorblades.

Opening your eyes, and removing your hand from over your mouth, you saw your hand was stained with marbled rainbow.

"That's what you get for drinking the fucking Spectra. Now you have to clear it from your system." He said, sounding furious. You didn't care. You were just sad and apathetic.
"Honestly, I can't believe you would do something like that. Look at me."

He ordered, and you obeyed, having nothing better to do.

"What the fuck..." He whispered under his breath. "The fucking... grey? What?"

"What's wrong, Mr. Darling?" You asked, your voice flat and miserable.

"Your eye isn't normalizing. It's supposed to be a different color. Since you drank the damn Spectra, your eye was a bright sapphire blue, and now it's still blue, but just slightly grey."

He swallowed, and you could tell he was miserable too.

"Somehow, I don't fucking know how, but you're overdosing on Spectra and greyscaling at the same time. Your body is expelling Spectra like nothing else and will until you work through it or until your body gives out."

He turned away from you, pacing up and down this stark white room.

"You're gonna die. Is this what you wanted- are you fucking happy now, Neighbor? You got what you want. Now let me hate you in peace so it doesn't hurt when you go."

His words only made you feel worse.

"I didn't wanna die, I only wanted to calm down... I didn't know I'd end up like this... please don't hate me..." You mumbled, and he snapped around, looking so very angered, but something told you that he was angry because he was sad. Like you.

"How the hell am I not supposed to hate you? If I hate you then at least writing your death report won't be a week-long ordeal! If I hate you then it won't be as bad. You've sealed your own fucking fate, now let me protect myself!"

He shouted at you, and you flinched away, tears burning in your eyes, your throat aching with held back sobs. He seemed to soften at your fear, staring at the ground.

"If I don't hate you, then I'll love you, and I can't do that, not when your time is limited."

He walked back over to you, placing a hand on the side of your face. You were expecting his cold prosthetic and an even colder grip, but no. You were met with his little fingertip pads and the warmth of a genuine person. It hurt, looking him in the eye, realizing what he said, but being unable to feel anything about it. Why can't have he told you earlier? If he told you earlier, you'd be happy. Maybe you can be saved?

No, you're being delusional. Nothing can save you.

You brought your hand up to meet his, tears rolling down your cheeks.

He was crying, too. No, no, no, you thought he couldn't cry. And it was your fault.

You'd give your soul to get over this ailment alive and emotions intact.

"We have to keep trying. If I were normal- I'd be happy crying, but now I can't feel anything else but- but pain. I don't want to leave you, I want to live, I want to feel again, Walden, please. That must count for something!"

You pleaded, and that only seemed to convince more tears to fall as he tried to speak again.

"There's only so much I can do. I can try, but that doesn't mean you'll survive."

"I'll do anything."

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