Chapter 6 - Seeing Red

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You were going down to the Red Division of the Production floor, and you only had the last bit of paperwork to drop off.

"What do you want?" The instructor asked you, looking obviously disinterested in you.

"Here's some paperwork from Wally. And,"
You trailed off, trying to seem intimidating, maybe a bit sadistic? You tried to act like how Wally would. He knows how to get a point across.
"Here's a message." You said, stepping closer. The instructor looked uncomfortable.
"If you fuck up distilling the red on such a grand fucking scale again he will make you the next damn thing being distilled. You umderstand?"
They looked at you, more angry than scared.

"Sure, whatever, just get the fuck out of my face."

"I'll get in your face if I please. Do your damn job-"

The instructor seized you by the collar, and you didn't fight back in your sudden shock. You struggled and writhed against their grip, landing a few solid hits before they pushed you up against the guard rails of the grinder.

"I'm sick of you thinking you're better just because you work for that blue haired bitch. I'm gonna teach you a lesson."

You managed to get him by the throat, and he staggers back as you turn him around, the instructor up against the grinder's guard rail instead.

"Maybe I'll shove you in there. Maybe I could pull out your mutilated corpse and show it to every damn soul on this Production floor. I am better than you disposable little freaks. There's a reason I make more than you."

The instructor looked terrified as you flipped him over the guard rail, listening to his screams quickly extinguishing, watching him getting ripped apart. A little spot of blood was on the edge of the grinder, he must have hit his head going down. Oh, well.

You turn around and see Sally, horrified. Oh, shit.

"Uhm..." She said awkwardly. "Not the worst thing here, I guess... You sure Wally isn't gonna have your head for it?"

You realize you now have to tell Wally you killed the guy you were supposed to give paperwork to.

"Fuck. I don't know."

"I'll have your back, I saw that instructor was giving you trouble. Have a good day, Neighbor."

You nod, giving a small salute with your index and middle fingers.

"Thanks, Sally. I owe you one."

You then did the walk of shame to tell Wally you just killed a man. Arriving at his office, he was staring at his computer, seemingly watching something through a pair of blue light glasses.

"Right when I needed you. Please, take a seat."

He said coolly, closing his computer and gesturing to the chair across from him at his desk. You sit down, and he takes off his glasses, flipping them closed and setting them to the side.

"Security told me there was something going down at the Production floor. I would've expected them to deal with it themselves, but-"

"Yes, I threw a man in the grinder."

He looked surprised, and stuttered a bit in confusion. He looked at you with shock plastered on his face, well, at least what you could consider shock with how mild Wally's expressions are.

"Honest. Um... you do realize you need to ask me before you do something like that? I watched the cameras, it was fucking hilarious, but before you do something like that you need to get the clear. Don't get me wrong- I'm proud- but now we have to replace him."

"It was self defense! He pushed me up against the grinder, said he didn't like how I acted like I was better just because I worked for you, and told me that he was gonna teach me a lesson. I'm not taking that shit."

He paused, and seemed a bit curious, He leaned forward, his hands clasped and resting on his desk.

"What did you say back?"

"I said that I'd put him in the grinder, then pull out his corpse and show it to everyone on the Production floor, that I am better, that there was a reason that I got paid more."

Wally looked away, that look of shock coming back. He cleared his throat, turning back to you.

"God damn... Good job, um... Damn. I don't know what else to say. I didn't know you had it in you."

You grinned, taking the compliment in stride. If it was a compliment. Would you feel guilty later?

"Thank you, Mr. Darling. Do you want me to fetch you some coffee?"

He blinked for a few seconds, his cold expression coming back.

"Yes, please."

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