Chapter 30 - Interrogations

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(Not me procrastinating on totally not me. Yup I am so motivated to write. Mhm. That's me.)

You had walked down to the lab, some Security officials were already there. Perfect.

"The suspects are already prepared for you, Mx. Neighbor."

You gave a suave nod, trying to put on a brave face.

"Excellent." You smiled, and you reminded yourself that you've thrown someone in the grinder before. It's not that bad compared to the grinder.

You entered the first lab room, and there was a young man who was drenched in scars glared at you, restrained in a chair identical to the one used on that test subject that you did with Wally. Experiment 253.

"What do you want?" He snarled. "Why am I here?"

"I want all that you know about this cartel. Every little detail."

"Absolutely fucking not. I don't even know what it is."

You nodded, picking up a syringe and grinning.

"Then I'm sure you wouldn't mind this." You stuck him suddenly, pressing the plunger down, the 'demon tears', or at least that's what they called it in the lab, now slowly infecting his bloodstream.

"What the hell was that?!" He snapped, looking terrified. You just smiled politely, waiting for the chemicals to kick in.

Eventually, you saw his pupils contract as he writhed, attempting to get out of the restraints. Tears flowed freely down his face, and a pang of guilt hit you. You shook it off.

"I'm not going to tell you anything! You can poison me all you want, I don't care!" He looked like he did care, though, as he tilted his head away, shutting his eyes as if he were seeing horrible things. He was shaking, feeling the full dose of the lab's concoctions.

"I could give you another if you like?" You asked, that polite tone still present in your voice.

"No! Please!" He looked over at you, then snapped away, as if you were terrifying to look at. Wow, rude.

"Then tell me the damn information."

"God, fine! Fine! The boss is gonna kill me for this... The cartel knows Mr. Darling is alive. They're planning to strike the factory in two hours. The boss is angry at Walther, he's not doing good. Not at all. He's gonna be leading the front into the factory, or else he'll be killed. You guys only have so much time." He divulged quickly, and your jaw dropped. Two hours? Two hours?! What the hell?!

You stuck him with the antidote, and he thanked you as you did so, being released from the restrains after you called Security in.

"You won't go unappreciated for this, sir." You smiled at him as he nodded, still shaken from the 'demon tears'.

You had sprinted back to Production, taking over the intercom again.

"Hey Production! So it's inevitable- some intruders are planning to storm the building in two hours. This is your one green light to go fucking feral, alright? No friendly fire or you're dead. Bye!"

You sprinted back down to the infirmary, throwing the doors open.

"Walden! Portia! We have a situation!" You exclaimed, causing Wally to stand up quickly, and Poppy to gasp at her real name.

"What's wrong?" He asked you, his hand finding your shoulder comfortingly.

"They're coming in two hours. I've alerted Production, but we need to tell the rest of the facility."

Walden's eyes widened, and you nodded, Poppy seeming mortified. He walked away from you to grab his walkie-talkie from a counter, speaking firmly into it.

"Walden Darling to all senior personnel, including Security, there will be intruders attempting to break the threshold of the factory in two hours. I repeat, intruders in two hours. Please alert your respective areas of the facility." He placed it on a little holder on his belt.

"Are you sure you're in a fit state, Wall-"

"Yes, Poppy. I have to be there. If I wasn't I couldn't call it my factory. Neighbor, follow me." He referred to you sharply, leading you away to his office. Once the two of you were inside, he unlocked a very secure-looking cabinet and handed you a pistol from it.

You stammered, holding the firearm that was heavy with ammunition in your hands.

"Where the hell did this come from?"

"It's always been here. Why else do you think I've never opened it? It's called self defense. Now, let's go, we have some oddly scheduled ass-kicking to do."

He went to leave, and you stopped him.

"What about you?"

He smiled, a bittersweet look in his eyes.

"I'll hold my own, darling. Thank you."

He left the office, beckoning you to follow.

This didn't feel right. You don't like this.

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