Chapter Twenty.

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[Warning: sexual content ahead]


At least as deep as the Pacific Ocean...Now, I wanna be yours..
Secrets I have held in my heart...Are harder to hide than I thought...Maybe I just wanna be yours..I wanna be yours, I wanna be yours...



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THE night's events couldn't have gone any wrong or worse than what had already unfolded. 

Pope had managed to get some help and we'd brought my brother to the nearest hospital as soon as we could, considering it was half past midnight. The doctors had taken him away as we all waited outside. Even Sarah had come along.

My anxiety had riled in, making me worry incessantly and no matter how much Kie and Pope and JJ assured me that John B would be fine, my stupid mind would just not listen and calm down. 

Waiting for about another half an hour or so, the doctor had finally come back and informed us that he was fine, not in any kind of danger. He said it was a miracle that he'd only acquired a concussion to head and a hairline fracture on his wrist from the-- almost three-to-four storey-- fall from the Hawk's nest.

Hearing that was the only thing that brought relief to my body and mind as I finally relaxed and closed my eyes, sighing so heavily someone might have assumed I was about to start bawling my eyes out. 

I went inside to see him resting, sleeping in his bed as Sarah came inside along with me. My heart was hammering so fast against its ribcage, the worry for my brother's life had literally flashed my entire life in front of my eyes. 

And all I could see in it, was him. John B. My twin brother. We've been together since the moment we were born. There for each other in every situation, no matter what. He was always there to check on me while we were little and learning to surf. He was always there to pull me up again quickly if I'd start drowning when we learned swimming in the ocean. He'd carry me home on his back if I was too tired and would refuse to walk any longer. He'd feed me lunch and dinner when I had broken my wrist while learning how to drive JJ's dirt bike.

He was always, always there for me. Taking care of me, loving me, protecting me. I can't imagine a life where he is not there by my side to hold my hand, or to catch me when I fall, or pull me up from under the water, or carry me on his back when I throw a tantrum and don't want to walk.

My brother is my entire family and he's my world. And what happened tonight, had me shaking so hard, I thought I was gonna have a seizure again because of the stress and the worry. So, to see him resting, sleeping soundly on the hospital bed was a great relief for my poor heart.

Catching the Waves~ JJ Maybank ᣵ¹&ᣵ²Where stories live. Discover now