3. Chapter

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He gave it to her "Here you go" when he gave her the towel he was leaning a bit in front so he was able to see her eyes. He has never seen such beautiful eyes before. She smiled and said thanks. Then she was walking in the kitchen, he followes her still flashed from the felling in his stomach.
She is getting herself a glass of water and drinking it. He had time to focuse on her, her hair was wet and her eyelashes are long he liked that. Then he also noticed that she has defined Abs, he noticed that she is almost finish with drinking so he was looking somewhere else.
She said she wants to change but she would come back downstairs so that they can talk a bit. He just nodded.

When you went upstairs to change you were wondering who he might be. And how. He lookes so cute and big probably like a big teddy bar.
You choose a soft short wide dress which was figur ronding, you changed fast and dryed you're hair with a hair dryer and walked back downstairs.
He was leaning at the kitchen island like he was used to when you left. Didn't he move?
You need to smile he was still in his pyjama. Blue and black carved pants and a big dark blue hoodie. It matches very well, he still looked tired because of his lowered head, like he fall asleep like that. For you in this moment he looks very cute.
When you finally reached the kitchen you lean against the kitchen island so that you were able to see his eyes. He needed to smile he couldn't help it and you need to smile because of his cute dimples then you heard Yoongies voice calling your and his name. RM. His name is RM. "What are you two doing there?!"

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