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"I mean, uh it's so hard fo find the right words" he looked at his feet "Yeah I know. Do you want to talk about yesterday?" She said carefully, he faced her he saw that she was a bit scared but she tried to cover it up with a smile "Yes" he answered "I mean I don't want to hurt you and when I went to far I am very sorry about it a-and I mean when you dont want to talk to me anymore it would be okay. So no I would feel horrible but I would understand, you know?"  He had tears in his eyes but it felt good to talk about his feelings "Oh Namjoon" she said while grabbing his hand, he didnt expect that, he thought she would tell him that she never wants to see him again. "I dont think so  I mean I don't want to not talk to you anymore and about yesterday..." she smiled but looked at the ocean "you made me feel save" she daced him again "I feel so comfortable around you, I just uh it's not really a good time for dating and a relationship because I am gonna have so much to do like doctors work, stuff like that and it will be hard for me finding time for all of this and you. I mean in three days and three weeks-" She looked sadly but he doesn't want her to be sad "Okay I see but three days and three weeks are a good time to start dating. And before you say anything, when you have much to do I don't need so much time." He smiled at her, he was feeling so good then he saw little tears in her eyes. He was worried he said something wrong "It's called happy tears" she said smiling at him. Then he pulled her in for a hug she was still wet but he didnt care, he feels all the pressure on his shoulders fall. When he let her go she said "Let's not hang it on the big bell. So that we are dating now, I don't want my brother to kill you." Y/N needed to smile, he smiled back. "Yeah that wouldn't be so good." He said like he made a joke, she laughed. J-hobe came down and Y/N smiled at him. Namjoon had noticed before that they have close opinions and that they seem to like each other in a friendly way. "Hey we are finish cooking for lunch but Chae-Won and Elena are having a big fight." "Oh no." She said leaving all the stuff behind and running to the house. Namjoon looked at J-hobe and he said "It is good that she hurry up they look like they would kill each other. Ah Namjoon by the way is everything okay between you two?" J-hobe asked while helping Namjoon packing up his and Y/Ns stuff. "Uhm well there wasn't really anything wrong so, uh yeah everything okay" he just nooded and then went on when they stepped in  the house they saw how Chae-Won and Elena hugged each other and Y/N standing proudly infront of them.

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