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The boys name is Jack you know each other since you're six years old. He's two years older than you and ever since you met, he is always protective and many people assumed he is having a crush on you. You never had a problem with learning a new language, so Jack teached you his foreign language.
" So what can I do for you?" He is asking you in his foreign language while he stroke his hair back
" Well I want to rent 11 bikes" you said
"Okay, how about I give you my bike?"
"Oh I love you're bike!"
"I know it suites you very well, and I give you three bikes for free If you go out with me this evening" he said smiling at you
Yoongi stepped in "Hey are you flirting with my sister Jack?!", "Yoongi chill ! That's a deal but you pay." You said to Jack. He just smiled at you. Then he started to search out the bikes. "Oh by the way", Jack said after after making Jimin's bike smaller "do you need them for one or two days?" "Mhm I don't know, Namjoon? What do you think?" Namjoon stood behind you "I don't know, however you want to." You forced yourself to not smile but inside you're heart pounded way too fast, you were able to feelyour cheeks turning a little red. "Okay, everyone would you mind renting the bikes for two days" you said. You don't hear someone saying no or shaking there had so you faced Jack, he came closer to you in the time you talked to to the other ones. "Two days pleas." You said "As you wish princess."
When everyone had a bike, Jacke came up to you very close so you said "Pick me up tomorrow at 8 PM, bring me home at 11 PM" he smiled at you. You looked at him like don't even think about it.

Namjoon POV
The ride was beautiful , Y/N putted you in groups of two. She looked so cute being busy explaining it to everyone. In the end the plan looked like this: first Y/N because she knows the way, then Namjoon and Theayung, followed by Jimin and Jin, Suga and Mi-Suk and the end was Chae-Won and Elena. She is riding a bit faster but for Namjoon that was very easy and so it was for Y/N. You all needed to stop and walk your bike through a small path. On the other side when you were coming out and everyone was outside Y/N was driving the little hill down he saw her hair in the Wind, she was looking as free as a bird with the ocean in her front. Later (you drove a few kilometers) Namjoon heard a scream. Theayung heard it too both of you stopped looking back. Namjoon just saw that three people were looking shocked at the high grass and in front if it was a bike as if someone fall down from it. Before he had realised what just happened he heard a second bike fall in front of him, he was scared that Y/N is hurt but she was already running to the back he followed her to make sure she's okay. Then he saw her next to Chae-Won, who was crying and holding her knee.

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