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He was hungry for more, he didn't want to stop. He sat down on the couch so she sat on his lap. But then she seemed to realise something as she pulled back. "Let me check you." She said with a worried look, he noticed but he kept kissing her she made a sound out of enjoying, he took it as permission to go on bit she moved back again "Please babe, let me check your ribs" she still looked worried so he agreed "I hate it I want to kiss you." He said he felt like a little boy who wants to eat sweets but first needs to eat vegetables. "Yeah, Yeah I know. If I checked it I give you permission for." She laughed "Please take off your shirt." He did, he saw her holding her breath as he did he glanced. Seeing how attractive he is to her made him more attracted to her. She unwrapped him and checked his rips, she seemed happy because she wrapped it in again with a proud smile "It looks good." She said "Great?" He said not knowing what will happen next.


You sat back on his lap and putting your hands around his neck. He smiled and pulled you closer, your upper bodys were touching as he kissed you again. Gently his hands were moving under your shirt- Ding Dong it was the door bell "No please, Y/N don't open." He looked sad as he didn't want this moment to end. You kissed him and stood up to open the door, the others had arrived. You listened to their story about the film they went to a smal town a bit away. You told them about the bookshop and then Namjoon seemed to be very excited, he tried to wait patiently you noticed and then you faced him with a smile "Go on." You said he smiled one if his brightest dimple smiles. The others looked between you and Namjoon not knowing what was going on but Mi-Suk smiled knowingly. "We are dating!" He said happily, he hold your hand, you smiled by seeing him so happily and the other ones all congratulating you two but when it all was over and you were able to think you were sad about it all will be over soon. "Hey" Mi-Suk pulls you out of your thoughts "Hey, let's go upstairs." You said she nodded. Namjoon looked at you, he is worried "What's up?" He asked trying to not sound worried at all, but he was like an open book for you. You smiled at him trying to comfort him while saying "Don't worry just some girls stuff." Chae-Won and Elena looked up at the same time, you signaled them to stay so they went on talking with Jungkook and Jimin. Upstairs in your room you sat on your bed "So, he called you?" She asked "Yes Dr. Steven called me." You responded and went on telling her everything, Afghanistan, which she knew about, but also how soon you'll go and how worried you are because everything was so perfect. After you finished she hugged you and you started crying, having a friend who cares for you like she does, dating Namjoon, having so amazing friends and family and now leaving all this behind in nearly four days. The door opened, it was Jooni he was frowning. "What is-" Mi-Suk interrupted him "You don't need to know." he was a bit mad at her answer "Well I do need to know I'm her boyfriend and I care for her very much." "Jooni please just go!" He looked at you he was in a shock which you noticed he got puppy eyes and you a tear was falling out of your eye without your permission. He wanted to come to you but Mi-Suk stepped in his way "She said go!" He kept on going to you even though she tried to stop him. He sat on the side of the bed you tried looking away, but as his hands touched your cheek, you turn around to face him. "Jooni listen it's not a big deal so dont worry it's just complicated to explain" "But will you tell me later?" He asked "Sure I will" you said holding his head in your hands you wanted to kiss him but you didn't do. "Oh gosh get a room you two" Stella yelled "No wait I will go." She said turning around. "Hey Mi-Suk, everything clear now?" You asked still worried, she turned around as if the whole talk didn't mattered "Yeah, I mean I understand it but you should-" she looked at Namjoon and you knew what she meant "Yes I know" She nodded and went downstairs.

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