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Chae-Won looked a bit said and Mi-Suk said "You have heard the doctor". You felt many eyes on you also Namjoons, you stayed calm placing your hands on you're hips saying "I am not a doctor yet just say future doctor!" The girls and you laughed because it was a little insider. Then you asked "Do we wanna go eat pizza because then I will call to say that we need a table." You just heard happy voices so you went back to the house to do what you just said. Namjoon went with you. "Are you okay?" You asked "Uhm yes I just wanted a cup of water." You nooded than the pizzeria staff answers the phone. "Would you wait for me?" You asked Namjoon when he was finished with drinking his glass of water "Ofcourse." He said in a kind of happy way. You wrote Matthew a message: do we still need to talk because I am going to eat pizza you sended it and he directly went online writing no everything okay.
You putted you're phone away going down with Namjoon, telling the others to hurry up because they got a table in 20 minutes. Everyone was ready to go. You saw Namjoon when you walked downstairs, he was wearing casual jeans and a white shirt he also putted on a dark blue vest.

Namjoon POV
He saw her walking downstairs she is wearing a beautiful black dress with some dark blue flowers. The dress showed her shape very good. She was so handsome. Theayung was next to you "She looks so amazing." He whispered. Namjoon knows he means Mi-Suk. Mi-Suk was wearing a long dark green dress with high heels. Then Namjoon noticed Y/N was wearing white convers, he liked that even more. All of you where walking in a big group to the pizza restaurant. It looked amazing. He managed to sit next to Y/N. Facing Theayung, while she was facing Mi-Suk. When everyone was thinking about what pizza they should order he heard her saying his name he turned around to face her "Yes?" He asked "Do you wanna share a pizza?" She asked "Ofcourse what do you want?" He asked. She blushed a little then she looked away fast, in his eye corner he saw Mi-Suk and Theayung smiling at him "Uhm I don't know the Magarita is very good, but I eat everything when it's vegetarian." Y/N smiled and looked back at him "You know it's funny, I love Magarita." Namjoo said. She smiled and blushed again just a little but he notices it. Then everyone ordered and when the pizza finally came, she got a message. She pulled out her phone and stared on it. She looked like she isn't sure if she should check it "You okay?" He whispered "Yeah" her voice didn't match the worlds she said. Then she turned her phone in a way that no one could see what she was checking. Namjoon is very worried but then, the whole scaredness from her face left and he looked at him again saying "Yes everything is just perfect." He smiled and blushed then he turns around to eat his pieces of pizza. When you both finished he placed his hand next to Y/Ns under the table. Your little fingers touched each other. It gave Namjoon butterflys but Y/N is placing her hand somewhere else so he felt like he had done a mistake but he wanted to act like it was inadvertently.

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