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"Oh sorry, thanks Hobi." You took your stuff from J-hobe and went upstairs in your room. You dried yourself with the towel Namjoon brought you and made a messy bun with your wet hair then changed. When you came back downstairs Yoongi gave you your lunch and you sat next to Namjoon.
You all planned together the next days and it ended like this:
1.  Today chilling at home
2. Tomorrow evening beach party
3.  Sunday a little tour to the next city
4.  Monday beach day and new plan making

Whe everyone finished the girls and you went upstairs talking about Mi-Suk and Teahyung because they are so cute, then you went out to buy the food for for dinner. When you came back, the girls said it would be okay if you phone your parents because they called you so you answered. It was a good talk, but just about holidays and Yoongi. At eleven o'clock everyone was asleep except for Namjoon and you. This was your first official date you choose sneakers and a cute white fluffy dress. Then you went downstairs, he was smiling bright when he saw you while coming down the stairs. You stopped right infront of him and grapped his hand.

Namjoon POV
He felt her little hand in his she smiled and looked so beautiful, she gently lead him to the door and he followed her. Outside he stopped and hold her back. She looked at him as if she wants to say What's up? He just smiled and said "Hi", in response she rolled her eyes and he pulled her in for a hug. They walked the little street which leads in the city while talking a bit. Later they choose the beach as way back. He saw Y/N freezing and gave her his white Hoodie. First she didn't want to take it but in the end she takes it. After she putted the hoodie on he grapped her hand. She was staring out on the water where the sun setted, she looked like there was something more. "Namjoon?" He looked down at her "Yes?" "I love you." She said it as if it was not a big deal, just to mention that she loves him by the way. She turned back facing the ocean. When he finally was able to understand her he grabbed her waist and turned you around. He smiled relieved and kissed you it was a long deep kiss, he pulled her closer he loved the warmth from her body and how close they are now. He felt that she is relaxing and moved her tinny hands around him. He loved the feeling of her lips on his.

You wanted the kiss to never end, you wanted to stay in this moment forever but you knew you couldn't. You returned back home, but you stayed with Namjoon on the couch cuddling. He was comforting you, but as soon as you noticed you are starting to fall asleep, you excused yourself and went back upstairs. You checked your phone before going to bed, two new messages one from your parents and one from Dr. Steven. You opened the second one first
We need to talk pleas call me as soon as you can
You were a bit worried but send a message back
Sorry I didn't saw your message till now, you can call me tomorrow. I guess I am free till half past 6. Sorry that I only responded now.
Your last thought befor falling asleep was Namjoon and you fall asleep with a smile on your face.
That day you woke up at five, it was way to early, no it was to less sleep. You changed in a swim suit and went to the beach, at six when you returned Namjoon was slowly waking up. Quietly you walked over to him and kissed his forehead, he had a bright smile on his lips when you pulled back. "Mh, can there be any better way of waking up? Getting a wake up kiss from the person I love? Y/N you should do that more often" you rolled your eyes he was so childish you gave him a winke which made him blush a bit then you turned around and went upstairs, smiling in yourself because you felt his eyes staying on you. You opened the door to your room and four people were looking at you with half closed eyes, it looked cute with all there messy hair. The girls and you changed together and went back downstairs, Yoongi was making scrambled eggs and when Jungkook saw Meriam he looked quite happy and rushed over to talk to her. Namjoon was coming closer to you his hand was slowly moving to yours no one noticed and you tried to act cool. Then your phone was buzzing you checked the I.D. it was Dr. Steven.
Dr. Steven is one of the best doctors worldwide and he works for medecins sans frontiers. Before you got your scores on the finals all of you needed to sing in at a hospital but you asked if you could be a personal student of him and he agreed. So as much as you know you will go to Afghanistan as a doctor from medecins sans frontiers.
"Oh gosh I totally forgot!" Everyone looked at you with questioning eyes, you noticed Namjoon was trying to see who called you but you picked up befor he saw it.

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