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He was breathing faster as her little fingers reached his abs. Then she pulled back smiling at him. She drove him crazy and he knew that she knew it. The party is going to start at eight and it was five. Chae-Won and Mi-Suk started getting ready Elena was playing a video game but Chae-Won called for her that she could make her hair. Elena made an annoying sound but walke the stairs up. Y/N was still lying in his arm and reading a book as he watched the late news. "There it was only one" Hobi said when Elena went upstairs, he saw Y/N smiling. "Yeah right but I guess it's my turn now" she said nodding in the direction where Chae-Won already looked out the door "I don't know what to wear" she said. Y/N smiled "Uh someone is nervous about meeting someone" in that moment he saw Tea looking somewhere else he seemed sad when the girls went back to the room he talked to Teahyung. "I don't know hyung. I mean I love her but she obviously doesn't." "Do you think so she seems very comfortable with you." He tried to comfort Teahyung. "No no I am sure she doesn't." He declared. After trying to argue with him for 30 minutes Namjoon gave up. It was almost six when she walked down the stairs, he jumped up as he saw her. She was beautiful, Y/N was dressed casual she wore her white convers as allways which made her legs look even though more attractive to him,  short black sweatpants and a green thight shirt which has a cutout. To that she wore two different earrings, he remembered this combination although he knew you these were like friendship earrings. She smiled at Namjoon and his heart still fluttered as she gave him a kiss on his cheek but then she looked over to Teahyung with a questioning look. He looked away fast but she sat next to him. He followed her and grabbed her hand as he sat beside her.


You looked at Teahyung but he looked away as if it was something awkward "So is this some guys thing or can I somehow help?" You asked, he turned to face you "Listen don't tell her that but I like Stella, I like her a lot but..." he was trying to find the right words and you gave him the time to. "I think she doesn't feel the same for me." He finished his sentence "Mh I think she does like you" you said, you couldn't tell them the truth that she secretly loves him. "But you two are allways talking about this one guy and she seems to be in love with him." Stay serious, you told yourself because he was the one you two were talking about "Ooohhh, see that is something different I mean he looks good he's very handsome and his style is fantastic but- Auch" Namjoon had punshed you not hart when you looked at him he seemed disappointed, you rolled your eyes about how childish he is and it made him smile. You loved his dimples so you poked them which made him role his eyes "Ofcours Jooni is more handsome and his style is better than his, in my opinion," now Jooni smiled and seemed proud. "But as I wanted to say, that is something different. Look when I am allowed to give you an advice?" You offered and Tea nodded "Confess to her at the party, tell her how you feel." "I don't think I am brave enough whe she already loves someone else." He said, you understand him but you know both sides now. "I see, well if you do everything will start to make sense believe me." With those words you stood up and went upstairs. As you opened the door the girls were almost ready just applying some make up and fixing there hairs.

Namjoon POV

It was almost half past seven when he heard Y/N making an annoying sound "Hurry up!" She said but everyone was able to hear it. Twenty past eight they left the house. He is holding her hand in a little distance to the others. Stella came closer "Can we talk under four eyes?" She asked looking at Y/N. She turned to you and made a face wich said please and sorry. "Don't worry I will go" he kissed her forehead and joined the discussion about Ketchup and Mayonnaise from the others. He heard Y/N giggle in the back then they came closer "What are you talking about?"
You finally arrived at the party, Jack was also there and hugged Y/N as soon as he saw her. Namjoon didn't like this, Jack also took Y/N to dance with him. "Hey you seem uncomfortable are you okay?" Hobi asked while giving him a Cola "I can't describe that feeling but I hate how he is interacting with her." Namjoon answered Hobi smiled "Namjoon this is what we call jealousy." He narrowed his eyes and shook his head "Na I'm not jealous. I mean she is mine, he just seems to not care."

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