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Yoongi called everyone yesterday that he got sended a video from the military about Y/N he didn't know what this means but he wants us all to watch it with him. Namjoon was infront of the hous. He was breathing three times, relaxed and rang the door bell.

When everyone was there including the girls Yoongi started the video.
It was Y/N, she was sitting outside and reading a book then the voice of a boy said "Say hi Y/N." She looked up smiled and weaved "Hi." The next scene was Y/N dancing with children who reached her a traditional looking dance. Then you saw her wearing medicine clothes and operating someone. In the end she was sitting with many different looking people around a table and the same guy as from the beginning said "Hey Y/N say something to your relatives!" She smiled and said "Saranghae, I miss you all so much I am doing well and I love how many people I can help and everyone is so nice don't worry about me!" Then you were able to see her in many other locations talking to different people and smiling a lot having fun and laughing. He knew that he belongs to her and that she will come back and everything will be alright.

~The End
     Till now ; )

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