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"Well Jack invited me." She said all the girls stared at her and Namjoon felt dizzy. "I wasn't sure if I should ask you because I dont really like this but I am pretty sure he'll be there, sooo?" The girls agreed. Namjoon still felt dizzy. Y/N suddenly said "Chae-Won please let me check your knee." Chae-Won showed it to her and checked it. "Hey Mi-Suk, Elena go up in my room and pleas get me the emergency kit from my blue backpack.", "Namjoon, please surch the sanitizer and Teahyung get me a cream with a lot of fat" Everyone was surching what she told them to surch. Namjoon easily found the sanitizer and came back she listened closely what Chae-Won told her looking her in her eyes, but he noticed she softly putted the pavement off. Chae-Won didn't noticed it. Y/N looked like a professional children doctor. Then Namjoon came closer to her "I found it." He said in her ear "Great, please give me the tissue." Namjoon gave it to her Teahyung, Mi-Suk and Elena appered "Teahyung open it for me please, Mi-Suk and Elena hold both hands from Chae-Won it'll hurt and Namjoon please give me the white bandage."  Elena and Mi-Suk tried to distract Chae-Won, Teahyung said he couldn't see blood and turned to Mi-Suk, but Namjoon was looking what Y/N did. She sanitized the wound, creamed it in and then rapped it in bandages. Then she stop and looked at Chae-Won "How does it feel?" She said so carefully like she could hurt her with those worlds. He loves so much how carrying she is. "It feels good." "Okay then dancing is okay but take care and I"ll check it tomorrow morning again." Chae-Won smiled "Yeah, Yeah Doctor Y/N." She said rolling her eyes. Stella laughed "No Meriam future doctor Y/N."  Y/N is sliding from the kitchen island and stood infront of everyone "Uhm actually Mi-Suk," she said "Chae-Won is right" suddenly the three girls jumped up screaming happily hugging Y/N and telling her they would knew it. Then JK came "What's that noice?" The other guys followed him then he noticed he had just spoken to girls he turned red and hide behind Yoongi "Yesterday evening I received a massage that I passed my finals" she said with rose cheeks, the guys were happy too. "Okay, today evening is a party shall we go there?" She tried to change the topic and he noticed it.

Ofcourse you wanted to change the topic, you hate it when you are the main point. "Hey Y/N would you mind showing me your certificate because I want to compare how different it looks from mine." Chae-Won said.  "Uhm sure here you go." You gave her your phone with the certificate opened "Wow! Honored Y/N that is amazing!" You turned red and looked somewhere else. But you noticed RM next to you, you were looking at him. Then looked back at Chae-Won because she asked "What does this special recognition mean ?" "Uhm you know like something special happened." You said shyly "Oh is it that from you know where before we had gone?" She asked. You felt Namjoons hand laying on your back, no one noticed it but it is still there. You smiled a bit more confident and said "Yes. That thing. But let's not talk about it. How are plans for today?"  "Mh for me I would prefer it to do not so much just like chilling and later going to that party." Namjoon said then he looked down at you and you looked up "Well for me it's the same but I wanna go shopping with you girls for the party" Mi-Suk said you looked at her smiling. Then you took Namjoons hand from your back. He seemed to not care so you just ask "Okay Yoongi how long do you need for breakfast?" "One hour." He answered "Okay then everyone gets free time for one hour than we eat together, boys you can do what you want and we go shopping."

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