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Then we meet again for swimming because together as whole group it is funnier and then we get ready for party. Is that a plan?" "Oh yes it is!" J-hobe said while smiling at you. Jk and Jimin nodded like Yoongi. The rest agreed to.
You were going on to go out for a walk then Namjoon came. "Hey, can I go with you?" He asked but now he looked as if he is worried.  "Yeah sure." You smiled and he smiled back. You walked a bit on a road then you stopped, it started to rain. You took Namjoons hand then you looked at him. "Let's go back." He was still standing there he didnt move so you walked to the road. "Y/N don't stand there cars won't see you!" You sat down. He ran on the road, you stood up and ran away. Then you turned around, he looked at you he seemed confused but he is coming slowly to you. Whe he was standing infront of you you took his hand again. "Common we gotta go now." You said to Namjoon.
When you were home, all eat together and then followed there very own plans. You chatted with Jack if everything is alright and if the plan is still on. After this you phoned Matthew and you two gossiped a bit. You choose shorts and a crop top from the Vancouver whitecaps. You loved this shirt it is white with the logo over your right chest and under it the team name stands in blue on your back was the number 16 written out of sequins. Then you borrowed from Mi-Suk big silver loop earrings and choose your favorite white Convers. You were the first one who was finish so you sat on the kitchen island with your book "The broken jug" it was a literature book you red when you were younger. The original version is in german, but you only have the english one.

Namjoon POV
He was walking in the kitchen seeing her reading a book, it was so attractive for him. He stood behind her but she closed the book before he was able to read it. She turned her head to the right to face him. He made an innocent face and leaned his head on her shoulder. Even when she sits on that island he was still bigger. "Are you finish yet?" He asked, she lifted his head with her hands holding it while turning around to see him. She came closer "Mh you know. Yeah I'm finish," she moved a bit away from him, letting his head go. Then she pulled out a hair tie and started to make herself a higher pony tail, he saw her stomach when she raised her arms. She struggled a bit "I can do that for you." He said "No it's okay I can do that." She said, she was almost finish so he just watched her. "So you and Jack..." he said trying not to sound suspicious, but he noticed that he must have because she narrowed her eyes "Are friends.", she finished his sentence "Why are you jealous?" She smiled "No Ofcourse not. Its your life, I'm not a part of it." He regretted saying this and Y/N noticed "Hey you are a part of it! You're my friend! Don't say something like that!" He looked away. She jumped down, "Hey can I go out like this?" He looked at her she looked beautiful. He needed to smile "Ofcourse." she smiled too then the guys came downstairs. And after them in short distance Chae-Won, Elena and then Mi-Suk. Namjoon noticed Teahyung staring at Mi-Suk and that she blushed a bit when she noticed him staring. They looked so cute then the door bell rang. Y/N opened and brought him to the kitchen. "Okay I only say this one time so listen carefully! When you are in trouble or want to come home earlier the kitchen window is looking closed but it's open, if you need help with anyone being strange come to me also I have the keys if you need something." She said. "Let's go!" Jack said happily. Namjoon didnt like it. When you arrived at the party nearly everyone knew Y/N, she hugged them or just said hi, Namjoon never left her alone eventhough Jack was with her Namjoon was in a short distance. Jack was leaving her alone probably to get them a drink or something like that, Namjoon went to an edge where he was able to observe the whole room. He saw Y/N was looking shocked in a direction so he looked where she was looking. There was a girl probably 14 years old in the middle of some seventeen year old boys. One of them pushed her to the other one this was going like it for a minute she begged them to stop but they just laughed. Y/N was over there grabbing the girls wrist and pulling her out of that circle. The guys looked mean like they want to beat her up then one of them touched her waist. Before Namjoon had reached her she punished him in his face, then took the little girl with her, she looked around for a second when she saw Namjoon, she looked like she had found what she was searching for so he kept following them in the third floor. She easily unlocked the door with a hair pin. He followed her, when he entered the room the girl was sitting on the bed her legs were hanging down. Y/N is putting out her shoes the he saw the swollen ankle. Y/N noticed him but focused on the girl "Hey little one listen I know your parents didn't allow you this but you need to go home you are not save here anymore, okay?" The girl started to cry, Y/N hugged her and wiped her tears out of her face, she can handle children so good and he loved it,."Anny we should go." She said. Namjoon is surprised she knows the name of the girl but Anny just nodded. Y/N helped her going downstairs again and then they wanted to go out but one of those guys and his friends placed themselves infront of her "You are going nowhere." The first one said. Namjoon was just nerved so he stood infront of the girls "Get yourself out of my way or I'll bet you small guys up." In the end of the fight he won with a bloody lip and a blue eye but the other guys looked eventhough worse.

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