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He easily lifted you and layed you on the couch than he was laying infront of you. You noticed how tired you are and you looked at him. His eyes are dark brown and you fall in love with them, they give you a certain kind of comfort. You moved closer to him and he layed his arm around your waist, your hands were under you're head but your head touched his chest. Your heart raced, he is still shirtless.
You fall asleep, you woke up from the bell ringing you were still in the same position but you fast realised that it must be your friends. You nearly jumped over Namjoon he didn't realised what just happened so you gave him his turtleneck sweater "Our friends are here put it on!" He nooded so you opened the door Mi-Suk and Teahyung were standing infront of you. Time after time everyone came back. You and the girls talked about the evening, you told them everything except that Namjoon and you were sleeping next to each other. Mi-Suk and Teahyung had a beautiful night, it sounded like she was so deep in love with him.
Then you fall asleep again.
The next morning you were swimming in the ocean, you need time to think about everything that happened last night the kisses and your feelings for Namjoon. You push yourself under water holding your breath. It was cold but also like freedom. You got out of water. Then you noticed Namjoon and Jungkook watching you.
You entered the house without looking at them. You went straight to your room and changed. You came back downstairs with a messy bun long silver earrings an oversized shirt from ACDC and shorts but the shirt was so long that the shorts wouldn't be seen.

Namjoon POV
She looked so hot with that messy bun. He just wanted to kiss her but at the same time he was irritated that she had ignored him, maybe yesterday went to far. Yoongi told them he would go to the bakery for bread and Y/N goes with him. "Namjoon what is up with you two, did anything happened?" Jungkook asked "I don't know, I mean..." he took a long breath not sure if he should tell Junkook what happened "No not really she was just very tired. I can't really remember." Jungkook nooded then both of you started to wake the guys up and when Yoongi and Y/N came home the girls appered too. The group eats infront of the TV watching the news. The reporter said "And four days ago a young student saved a womans live at the Gimpo airport in Seoul" "What? Oh my gosh." Jimin said. They showed a video of the action Teahyung suddenly paused. "Hey Mi-Suk isn't that you?" He asked, "Yes I remember I had to call the ambulance." She answered "Wow redhead!" He said with that nickname for her "Well I got forced to, I mean I wouldn't have realised it so fast look Chae-Won and Elena" she said "Oh yeah we tried to hold the people back."  Elena said. "Y/N were have you been?" Namjoon asked the camera turned to a woman lying on the floor and a girl kneeing over her trying to revive the woman "There." She said shyly, then turned away to not face him. The journalist went on "Mrs M. Is feeling better and she wants to thank this girl who saved her live. The doctors say she will fully recover from the heart attack." "Wow Y/N!" Jimin said and Jungkook said "That's amazing" Jimin continued. "Thanks but I was just at the right time at the right place." After everyone had finished you went to the city to eat some icecream. Namjoon spotted Jack just a few seconds before he ran up to Y/N. He didn't like him. No he didn't like how everyone was looking at Jack and Y/N he wanted them to look at him and Y/N that way. He didnt like this feeling because Y/N is not his, he whises she would be and he could be hers but it wasnt like this. Jack disappeared as fast as he came telling the friends he would need some stuff to repair some bicycles. Namjoon also didnt like the way he looked at Y/N, he is suspicious because of Jack and he hate that. When they had arrived back home Y/N wanted to go to the beach Mi-Suk and Teahyung wanted to go for a walk J-hobe, Yoongi and Jk were cooking Chae-Won and Elena wanted to watch TV, Jin and Jimin were going live on the Internet so Namjoon decided to talk with Y/N.
She was already in the water and too far away, so he got a blanket and two towels. He sat down and started to read his book. When Y/N finally came out of the water Namjoon gave her, her towel then she sat next to him. He was so nervous "Hey" he said unsure how to start. "Hey" she said back looking at him. "Uhm you know I guess w-we gotta talk."  "Okay" she said in response "about...?" "Us" Namjoon said Y/N nooded

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