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The message you received, which you were afraid of, was from university. Your scores in the finals. You're having an honor exam with a special recognition for something you did which was incredible. Now you belonged to the top 1% of doctors who had such good results. So with that you are the best one in the course.
On your way home you were freezing, because you gave Chae-Won your vest. Elena had her own one and for Mi-Suk it wasn't cold.  You looked at Namjoon, he was walking next to you looking worried. "Are you okay?" You asked waiting for an answer, but he just putted out his vest and placing it on your shoulders. Then he looked in your eyes, you were surprised by his reaction. Finally he said "Now I am fine" he leaned forward while saying this to you, you heard him breathing. You blushed and he smiled at you with his cute dimple-smile then he ruffled your hair behind your ear. Then he moved back looking like he regret what he just did. You were going on walking but you felt guilty for him feeling guilty touching you. You put his vest on properly, you see Namjoon looking away from you so you grapped his little finger with your whole hand then looked away.
When you all came home everyone changed in there pyjama and met again on the couch. You are still wearing his vest, this time over your pyjama. You sat between the girls, when they were discussing about a movie you went to the kitchen to get Chae-Won something to drink when you came back and nearly everything changed. The movie on the TV was a horror movie, Elena was sitting in one end next to her Chae-Won, than some space left for you than Namjoon and Theayung with Mi-Suk very close to him and then the other boys. You narrow your eyes and take your seat. Then you gave Chae-Won her water and they started the film. It was okay but one time it was so scary that you buried your head in his chest. He gently put his hand on your back and stroked it. When the film was finished you stayed with Namjoon on the couch. When everyone left, you said "I'm sorry that I buried my head in your chest. I was kinda scared." You smiled and rubbed your neck with your hands. It was a bit awkward for you "Its okay. You can always come to me when you're scared. I'll protect you." Namjoon turned red after he said it. You needed to laugh. He looked down at his feet, you lifted his head with both of your hands, he was looking at you with those eyes which looked scared, worried but also hopeful. You smiled at him and pulled him in for a hug then you whispered in his ear "Thank you, Namjoon."

Namjoon POV
You talked long, she was very tired so he put her on his lap and hugged her with the blanket then she fell asleep. she looked so peaceful he didn't want to let her go but then he woke her up and carried her upstairs to her room. She thanked him and hugged him then she went into her room and closed the door. He went back downstairs and fell asleep.
The next day he woke up finding Y/N standing in the kitchen and making Coffee. He checked if anyone was around, then he hugged her from behind. She laughed "Good morning Namjoon." "Good morning Y/N." Namjoon placed his head on her shoulder "What are you doing?" "Icecoffe. Yoongi wants to make pancakes." Then suddenly Theayung appered. "Hey guys!" Namjoon nearly jumped two inches away from Y/N. He turned red. "Hey Teahyung. " She said with a friendly voice, she seems like she is happy to see him. The other three girls came downstairs. The boys leaned at the working plate facing the three girls sitting on the kitchen island. Chae-Won showed Y/N a picture. "What do you call this?" She asked. "Cute." Y/N answered. The other girls smiled. Namjoon tried to see the picture but he was to slow. Then Mi-Suk showed them a picture "I like no wait I love this guy!" The girls laughed. Namjoon looked to Teahyung he looked sad and disappointed.
"You know, I know that he's going to an illegal party" Y/N says facing the girls. Teahyung looked up "Wait where do you little perfect Angel know from an illegal party?" Chae-Won said, looking at her in a suspicious way.
(The first picture for Y/N was a cat and Mi-Suks picture was Teahyung)

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