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Hobi smiled and winked over for the guys to come "Guys is Namjoon jealous?" "Yes he is!" Jin and Jimin said at the same time the other guys nooded and agreed with them. "Listen if he doesn't see that she is yours or more you are hers show him." Yoongi said, everyone was a bit surprised by him saying this. Yoongi continued staring at Namjoon, he was happy when Yoongi said something like this it means that he is okay with Namjoon having a relationship with Y/N. Namjoon stood up and went straight to Y/N.


You felt someone close to you, as you turned around it was Namjoon "Hey Namjoon, what's up man?" Jack asked "Not so much" Namjoon said and turned to you "Can I do anything for you Naekkeo?" "Yeobo, dance with me!" You were excited as he did. After a long time you got a break and Namjoon wanted to buy you a drink so you were alone with Jack "So you two are together?" He asked "Yes we are." You said with a smile on your face "Finally. Since the first time I saw him I knew he likes you a lot. He was staring at pictures I made from you and he always looked at you. I am glad you are happy, I was also able to trigger him. I am sorry." He laughed as you pounshed him "Oh by the way, I will miss you when you go to Afghanistan so when you come back you need to spend much time with me okay jamae?" "Sure I will." You smiled at how optimistic he was, none of your friends were thinking about the consequence or the dangers in Afghanistan. Except maybe Namjoon, you shouldn't think about this now. Chae-Won danced with Jungkook, Mi-Suk danced with Teahyung, Elena was playing video games on her phone. Yoongi and J-hobe danced so did Jin and Jimin. When Namjoon came back he gave you your Coke and he seemed proud that he got you one. "Come on." You said to Namjoon and held your hand to take it for him. He seemed surprised but took your hand, you walked to a little pier. When you arrived you turned around to face the others dancing, you felt him watching you. "Mi-Suk is asking V if they are going out together." You told him as those two started to talk "Really? Did you know this when you talked to him earlier?" He asked "Sure I did" you smiled "Naekkeo!" He said in a kind of fun way. You just laughed then Teahyung started to nood and and then he took Mi-Suks hand and walked to the others. "They are so cute." You commented then turned to the ocean "Yes they are." He hugged you from behind with his hands around your hips and his had on your shoulder. You smell the ocean, the salt, you hear him breathing, the loud music, people laughing and you felt his warm body on yours. "I love you, and I will wait for you because I am yours." This sentence from him made you forget all your worries, you turned around and kissed him "Let's go to the others" you said but he blocks your way by bracing an arm against the railing as you want to turn around he does the same on the other side. "Jooni what-" he made you shut up with a kiss "Naekkeo, it's cold let me give you my jacket" he offered "No thanks I'm-" "Shut up and take my jacket" he interrupted you "No baby I'm fine." He kissed you deeper you were able to feel that he wanted more but you pulled back "When I take you jacket can we go over then" you asked with a little annoyance in your voice "Okay, but first promise me that we will have a us-evening without the kids pleas." He took of his jacket. "Okay, promise" you smiled and hold out your little finger for a pinky promise he shook your little finger with his.

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