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Down at the beach she is the first one in the water. She takes out her vest. She is so beautiful he caught himself staring at her and blushing so he butted down his towel and checks if one of the other ones had saw him. But luckily no one did. Mi-Suk squeaked when a wave came so she turned to Chae-Won saying "It is way too cold let's just lay on the sand" Chae-Won agreed. Y/N was already in the water. Jimin and Yoongi were trying to pump up a water ball. Junkook is standing in the water with Jin and J-hobe all three were looking like the water is made out of ice. He took off his hoodie. And wanted to go in the water, but it was really cold then he felt someone splashed water on him he looked around seeing Y/N grinning. He laught and splashed water back on her. "Okay you can do that better!" she said while laughing "Come on give me you're hands." She said smiling at him. He turned soft red then checking for the other ones, Yoongi was outside the water trying to convince them going inside. He took her hand. She was softly smiling and her cheeks turned soft pink, he loved that. She gently lead him into the water. He noticed she couldn't stand anymore but he could, he gently hold her hand a bit tighter.

You see he could still stand, for you it is now difficult to hold his hand, you need your hand to keep yourself above water. He noticed that you don't want to let go of his hand. You felt him touching your waist and pulling you closer to him but he never let go of your hand. You hugged him, you know he is surprised but then he hugged you too. You pulled away looking in his eyes, trying to look serious then you let go of his hand he looked worried so you just splashed water in his face he didn't look happy about it. "I will catch you and then you will regret it!" he said while laughing. You are swimming fastly but he caught you. You screamed while laughing. Suddenly the guys appered trying to push Namjoon away but he was way to strong. When they were finally finished loosing against Namjoon you decided to play waterball. Also the girls joined the game.
The sun seted when you were finish with eating, then everyone went to the places they sleep but the girls and you are still talking about all the stuff that happened today. Before you fall asleep you remembered short important details Mi-Suk likes V, so Teahyung, Chae-Won likes Jungkook because of his hairs and how shy he is and Elena misses her boyfriend from Uni. Well you were so tired, you fell asleep thinking about a hug which was perfect and big strong hands you liked.
Everyone slept well. The next Morning you woke up by smelling breakfast and coffee. You putted shorts and an cropped top on, then you went downstairs.

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