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Namjoon POV

Her little finger was so small it he knew one of his weaknesses is how small, cute and adorable she is. In his jacket she even looked tinier which he adored more and more with every second. To him this was so attractive, then he felt a little hand grabbing his. As they were back V fell around Y/Ns neck "You were right. Thank you Y/N" she smiled and patted his back. "You can always talk to me no matter where I am." V smiled at her

The rest of the evening went well and you all turned back home at 3 am, which was way to late. Everyone fall in their beds Y/N wanted still to spend some time with him which he was glad of but when he came back from the kitchen where he got her a glas of water she was already sleeping. He picked her up in that wedding way she was so light and small he almost couldn't believe she was only a year younger. When he wanted to lay her down on her bed it was already full with the girls he went out of the room and closed the door. He felt her little arms moving around his neck he smiled and looked at her. "Dont worry I will make me some space." She said in a sleepy voice, his cheeks turned red she was so cute it was definitely another one of his weakness when it comes to Y/N. "Don't worry you can have the couch." He said "No I don't want to steal your place." He was thinking of another way "We can share if you want to." He said, the couch was quite small so his plan was when she would be asleep to steal away and find a second spot for himself. "That's a good idea, we can unfold the couch so it will be bigger." "What I could have had so much more space?!" He whines, which made her laugh a little. Then he carried her downstairs and she showed him how to unfold the couch.

He felt her little body on his as he fell asleep.


The next day went over way to fast everyone did everything together you were never separated from the others and Namjoon almost held your hand 24 hours. In the evening you all watched a film and eat the cookies you baked in the morning. Namjoon asked if it's okay when you would sleep with him on the couch again, which you agreed with a smile in your face. After the film you girls talked long about Chae-Won slowly starting to like Jungkook more than just a friend, how excited Mi-Suk is about Teahyung but won't show it at all and Elena who misses her Boyfriend at home. Elena also told you that when she plays those games he plays with or against her. Then everyone got ready to go to bed, you will be picked up at 7 am the next morning. When you walked down Namjoon had managed to unfold the couch alone and he sat all the pillows and one big blanket up. You smiled about the way he looked at you, all the love and happiness in his eyes. "Kim Namjoon..." you started his eyes widened has he heard his full name "Naekkeo, did I do something wrong?" He interrupted you looking more worried with every second. You smiled and shook your had "No babo, I just love you so much." He smiled and picked you up easily since you were on the four last steps of the stairs but still smaller. You wrapped your legs around his hips and your arms around his neck, his hands were wrapped around your hips to hold you. You smiled while you kissed and you felt how he smiled too.

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