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He said it in a suspicious way. "I just wanted to see if he's okay." You said innocently. "Well you have met now but RM this is my sister Y/N" RM smiled at you while you looked back over your shoulder, you give him a gentel smile then started to mix a smoothie. Yoongie started to make breakfast. When RM asked if he could help, Yoongie just said no if one of this gets broken our parents will know. RM looked a bit sad. "Hey Y/N, by the way what was that yesterday?" He said it in a way which gave you big parents vibes "Uhm..." you said, not knowing what he wants to hear "Yeah?" He said even though it was turned as a question " Just going to a club and dancing, then driving home my drunk friends" you said. Before Yoongie could say something Theayung and Jimin came downstairs. You know both. One time you wanted to call Yoongie but Jimin picked up and asked for your number, later he told you that Yoongie wasn't happy about it.
So when you one time phoned Jimin Theayung was there to so you got to know them and now both have your number. Then J-hobe and Jin appeared you know J-hobe barely but not good and same with Jin. So actually you know all of the boys from the group except RM and Jungkook.
You started mixing the smoothie and when it was finished Yoongi asked "Uuh, can I have some" you smiled "Sorry brother heart, it's only for the people who drank to much." You noticed that what you just said made the guys look shocked at you "Chill I didn't drank anything!" Yoongi instantly relaxed, Namjoon looked a bit nervous but tried to cover it up. Then the other boys  joined the conversation. You all were just small talking, how you are, how you know each other, stuff like that. About half an hour later your friends Mi-Suk and Chae-Won appered both looking like they have big headaches in a distance Junkook is following them.

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