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Y/N told everyone to stay away but he was still too shocked to understand anything, she noticed it, standing up and saying "Namjoon please come a bit closer." he did, then she whispered in his ear "pleas look for me that the others are not watching. Her situation isn't good. I trust you with that." She kneed back down to face Chae-Won. He did what she said, protectively he was standing before them but facing the others. Theayung was talking to Mi-Suk, both looked worried. Elena looked more nerved than she usually does and the other boys were standing in a circle together whispering something. He heard how Y/N is managing to calm Chae-Won down, for Namjoon that was very attractive. She asked him if he would be so nice to give her the blue backpack from her bike. He was fast going to get the backpack and bringing it to her. But for that part now he kept watching her, first she told Chae-Won to hold her arm (Y/Ns arm ), because it will burn a bit then she putted sanitizer on a tissue and gently pressing it on her knee. Chae-Won looked uncomfortable because of the pain then Y/N searched out a big pavement and stood it on Chae-Wons knee. Then Elena said "Dont be such a cry baby!" Chae-Won stood up immediately, facing Elena "You little dump ass pushed me from my bike!" The last part she was screaming and running up to Elena pushing her so hard that she nearly fall. Elena and Chae-Won now started to beat each other up. Y/N was running in the middle trying to stop them, Mi-Suk helped her.
Chae-Won turned around so does Elena, Y/N  doesn't look overwhelmed, she said "Okay, you two take a break, and letter when we all calmed down we will see if you two can handle it or if I need to help you find a solution and talking about it friendly" she looked at bothe of them, more on there backs because they turned around but then both agreed.
Yoongi was walking in the front with Jimin and Jin, behind them Mi-Suk and Theayung were talking they looked cute together he thought, Chae-Won was telling Jk something but he was too afraid to answer, she simply didn't care. J-hobe was trying to hype Elena up and it worked she looked nicer now. Namjoon was walking in the back together with Y/N. She looked like she would recap everything that just happened, so he said "You handled the situation very well." She smiled at him, he felt his stomach moving. "Thank you. I know that this evening they will be best friends and soul sisters again. Believe me I know them and I needed to do this often." He smiled looking down at her. "But honestly you did this so good. I mean I am the leader when someone is having a problem they come to me and I feel overwhelmed." "I see. If you want some tips we can talk later. I mean the girls planned a movie night with you boys and we could have a talk about it and comparing our experiences after it."  He was happy to hear that, not only because of what he could learn from her but also about that they will spend time together. He nodded "That would be great. Thank you." Then Chae-Won and Jk were coming to you so she talked with Chae-Won and Namjoon talked to Jk.
When you were home everyone wanted to go to the beach so they all changed.
Namjoon was walking with Y/N, he felt her excitement about swimming in the ocean he loved her cute childish side but also how carrying she was with her friends. Like that type of Mom friend.

You saw that Chae-Won wanted to go in the water, but before she was able to move so that her knee will be underwater you said "Chae-Won not one step forward! You're knee will hurt so much I need to look at it later but the wound is probably still open."

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