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had to the left, Namjoon did the same and it made her laugh. He liked that very much. "Okay let's go back so that everyone can change." She said.

On the way back to the house, Yoongi was talking to Namjoon. You are walking with them, actually you are walking next to Namjoon. You're phone made a sound, you received a message:
Girls Group Mi-Suk: lady's girls night!
You sended a laughing emoji back.
Then you reached the house.
Everyone is going in there rooms, Namjoon is following Yoongi. Your room and Yoongis are next to each other, that's why you noticed.
The situation was very chaotic. The girls weren't sure what to wear. You simply choose a short light blue bikini top and white bikini pants. When you were finish changing the other ones noticed and said at the same time "Uuuuuuuhhhhh Y/N" you need to laugh so hard, the other ones joined. You heard a knock at the room door all of you stopped laughing. Then Yoongis voice asked "Are you okay?" All of you four need to laugh again and you said "Yes, just something funny happened" "Okay", he answered "uhm well wait in the kitchen for you girls" and so he walks away. You told the girls to hurry up and take a hoodie with them,  then you choosed a way to long vest and putted it on while walking downstairs. A few minutes everyone was in the kitchen not knowing if they are waiting for something so you just said "Okay, let's go to the beach." Instantly you looked at Chae-Won because she had a catchy tune of a song where the chorus is starting like this. Your eyes meet and you both smiled then you started singing it at the same time: "Let's go to beach, beach" then you go one "Yes I'm in the zone" then it was her part "oh he needs to know" you went on "dreaming about all the things we could be" then you laughed. This song is a remix and it is from Instagram. The boys were looking a bit confused and Mi-Suk just shook her had while Elli said "Oh no, you're so crazy". Then you noticed Namjoon smiling at you. You were looking away very fast but you still feel that you're cheeks are running red. While going down to the ocean you were talking to Chae-Won and she said you would just have a soft little rosa tone on youre cheeks, so you just said it was because of everyone staring at you two. She wasn't happy with the answer you gave her but it was the only one she would receive and she know that.

Namjoon POV
She is so cute he thought, ofcourse he had noticed her blushing after he smiled at her. He was slowly falling in love with her since he saw her swimming in the water looking so free. But he need to stop, she is Yoongis yunger sister, he thought, I shouldn't do this.

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