15 Chapter

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Namjoon noticed Y/N wasn't happy with what he had done but she didn't say anything, when they reached the house of the little girl, the mother opened with tears in her eyes she sighted and hugged Anny so tight the man, her father, was on the phone than he said "Oh my gosh she is back home I'm so sorry. Thank you so much officer Nolan." He had spoken to the police. The parents seem like they know Y/N. The mother didn't let go of her daughters hand while Y/N was cleaning the swollen ankle and making a shine when she was finished she faced Anny "Okay listen it's not the best thing, but the best I can do now. You should go to the hospital, you dont have to go now but as soon as you wake up." Then she faced her parents "Can I talk to you in the kitchen?" They nooded. Namjoon was waiting with Anny in the livingroom "You like her don't you?" Anny said breaking the silence. Namjoon was a bit shocked she had spoken to him "You followed her the whole evening, having an eye on her and protecting her. You don't need to tell me but you should be aware if you breake her heart everyone next to her will hate you she's an angel with a big heart." She said protectively "I know and I promise you I won't." Namjoon said. She looked happy then Y/N and her parents came back. Annys mother hugged Y/N to say goodbye so did Annys father. Anny is very tired but still hugged her then she said "I am sorry Y/N." "Its okay. We learn from mistakes." She said softly with a smile then she closed the door. You took a few steps then she stopped. He turned around seeing her facing the street , Namjoon took a step closer to her she looked at him and he was shocked she looked so angry but she also had tears in her face she had curled her hands into fists. Namjoon wanted to hug her but she punshed into his stomach softly, he knew she could go harder. "For what was that?" He asked "Because you were so stupid! I could have handled this but no Namjoon needs to show how strong he is by trying to protect two little girls!" She was obviously very, very angry "I am so sorry I didn't mean it that way I just-" she fell in his words "Yeah, yeah I know you just wanted to do the right thing." Y/N started to sob he wanted to hug her but she pushed him away "No let me first check your eye and your lips also your ribs because you walk differently" he turned red because she knew how he walks so she must payed attention to him.

He was still standing there pushed away from you, you just walked and passed him but when he didn't move you went back grappling his hand and making him follow you it wasn't a long way back to the house. When you came in you wrote a message in the girls chat that you and Namjoon are home that they dont need to worry and that they can spend more time. After you closed the window you turned to Namjoon. You rubbed your tears out of your eyes while coming to him. You had your little medicine emergency back on the couch so you forced him to sit at  the couch. You checked his eye function and if there was blood in his eyes but everything was okay. You got some frozen peas out of the freezer and holding it gently on his eye then you gave it to him, so that you can continue. You didn't speak a word with him, but you wished away the blood on his lip and it already got a little blood crust so you decided that you shouldn't do anything there. You looked in his eyes and he looked hurt. You came closer and touched the place on his body where his ribs are with two fingers, he moved back because of the pain. He came back to you "I'm sorry. I was overreacting it doesn't hurt that much." "I dont believe you Namjoon. I care for you and I trust you so don't lie to me." He looked away after you said this, he probably regretted it. "Can you please remove your shirt?" He looked at you a bit shocked after this question "I am not saying this as a girl, I say this as your doctor so pleas remove your turtleneck sweater and let me check your ribs." "Okay." he agreed. When he lifted his sweater you saw his abs and they took your breath away but then you saw his ribs which were purple and blue. You shortly were to overwhelmed and you just wanted to cry, but you are a doctor and Namjoon is hurt so you first need to help him. When you finished your work, you wanted to cry but instead you kissed his bandage where his ribs are. Then you took the peas back to the freezer and kissed his eye because it also got hurted. He touched your waist and pulled you closer than he strolled back some of your hair which was falling out of your ponytail then he kissed you. It was a soft and gentle kiss. You didnt want to but you pulled back you started crying and hugged him pulling your head in his chest.

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