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" Hello?"
"Hello Y/N, how are you?"
"I'm fine, thanks, what about you?"
"Well till now good , but let's get straight to the point."
"You remember when you signed in as personal student of mine I told you about medicine sans frontiers?"
"Yes we talked abou that."
"So you still want this?"
"Good, but listen they called and said the plane will come earlier which will bring us to Afghanistan."
"Okay how much earlier?"
"It will be there in four days"
"Oh okay."
You looked to Namjoon, you just started dating, you thought you two would have more time together.
"Listen I see when you say that would be to early for you but to be honest, when you don't come with me thene you need to surch a hospital. I need you to stay by my side to train you and there won't be a plane which could fly you there in a good time. I just wanted to tell you, you could still sign in at a hospital."
"No! This is my dream I'm not going to give it up that easily. I can and I will do this!"
"This was the answer I expected. Anyways I will send you any information soon. See you in four days."
" Yes, see you then."
When you hang up the group looked confused at you, they weren't able to hear Dr Steven. "What's earlier?" Namjoon asked, he seemed to be worried "Uhm..." you didn't want to tell him not yet "the hospital called they asked if I want to come to the staff meeting but it would be a bit earlier as I usually should have started, but I agreed. Do you mind?" You directly looked in his eyes but then you turned to the others. You saw them shaking theire hads. "You mean your dream hospital which you got accepted, right?" Mi-Suk asked, she was the only one who knew about everything. "Yes, it indeed is." she smiled at you, they didn't noticed but you saw a little sadness in her eyes. You know why, but you tried to seem happy. There was a silence, you looked down you couldn't face one of them. Luckily Yoongi broke it by saying that the food would be finish. The other guys appeared short after it just Teahyung is missing. "Mi-Suk you are finish so may you could wake Teahyung up?" You asked innocently looking at her she turned light rose on her cheeks "Ah, sure ofcourse I can do that" she went upstairs. The rest started a discussion but you didn't notice about what, you were away with your thoughts. How could you tell everyone that you need to leave in four days going to Afghanistan? And how could you tell him, what will happen to the relationship of you, how will he react and- "Y/N have you heard me?" Jimin asked. You woke up from your thoughts and quickly looked at him "What?" "When was the party again?" Right, the party. Focus! You gotta live now you'll tell Stella this evening after or before the party, anyways today and the rest tomorrow. "The party will start at eleven o'clock but I guess we can go there later. Why?"  You asked in return "Well just to know" You heard a sound, instinctive you turned around a few seconds later Teahyung and Mi-Suk appeared. You needed to smile because they were so cute together. Namjoon sat next to you so that the two lovebirds could sit next to each other. While Teahyung was eating he discussed with Namjoon and Jimin what a good party outfit would be. They had clearly a different style and opinion on that, you followed the conversation because it was kinda funny for you. Suddenly you felt a hand on your knee, you know it is Namjoons  you know he is watching you but you still don't have the strength to face him. He is moving his hand up and down on your upper leg. When you saw everyone finished eating you stood up and started to bring the dishes to the kitchen. Namjoon helped you "I will clean them." You volunteered "I'll help you" you smiled. When you were sure no one could hear you he seemed like he wants to talk, but you just passed him acting like you wouldn't know anything. He pulled your waist and turned you around, you were suddenly so close. He looked worried so you just hugged him. He was so big your head layed on his chest you heard his heart beat. It was fast, he was nervous you smiled.

Namjoon POV

He loved her hugs, it was one of his weaknesses. How she was so close and he felt her on his body. He hated it but he moved backwards and lifted her chin with his hand so she needed to look at him. He was just worried "Something is up, right?" "No Jooni. Everything is just so perfect" she responded. He saw her smile but there was a certain kind of sadness "Is there anything else you want to tell me?" She suddenly got big doe eyes like a little puppy, oh gosh he needs to focus, but he wanted to kiss her so bad. "I just" she sighed "I don't want this all to end you know it feels like a dream but I know I need to wake up soon and I don't really want to." She looked away "I see. But it will always stay like this I promise and I will love you here or in Soul just as the person you are. Nothing will ever tearing us apart" he looked at her with the brightest smile he had "You are right. I shouldn't worry about the future."  You started to clean the dishes together. Later he asked if Y/N wants to go to the city and they did, he bought her icecream it was her favorite one and they spent almost two hours in a bookshop. When you came back the other ones weren't there. "Nekko, let's cuddle a bit please!" He saw her smiling and her cheeks turning a bit red "You know I-I don't-" He couldn't stand through the day without the permission "Please the other ones will come home soon we won't have much time also Jack will probably be-" he stopped by realizing what he just said "Wait are you jealous?" She asked "No it's just, argh, I hate the way he is looking at you. And I can't even do anything against it because we haven't said that we are dating yet." He said out of frustration "Then we will tell them." She said he was so relieved by what she said, he just needed to kiss her. As he kissed her he putted his hands around your waist and lifted her up gently and carefully. You wrapped your legs around his waist and your hands around his neck.

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