Castle in the Sky

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Usagi POV

I know who it is! It's my first encounter as Sailor Moon when I was saving Naru at her parents jewelry shop. Morga!

"Why hello, Sailor Moon," She said in her creepy voice.

My eyes widened. I started to shake. "I thought I defeated you?! How are you here?" I said flustered.

Queen Shadows voice spoke from the air, "I brought her back just for you! She is going to do what she was made for! Stealing your energy!" She laughed.

What am I supposed to do? I'm stuck here on these chains! I start to scoot back against the wall as far as I can as the Youma comes closer. The Youma grabs my neck and lifts me up barley off the ground. The chains start to rustle as she sucks my energy. I can't take this! I start to lose consciousness then she drops me, and I hit the floor. My eyes fight to be closed.

Mamo-chan please save me.


3rd POV

Everyone walks outside in front of the shrine and transforms. Now everyone holds hands in a circle and closes their eyes.


"SAILOR PLANET TELEPORT," everyone yelled.

All of them thought of the destination, and then they teleported.

Suddenly they are in front of the castle in the sky. It looked like a medieval castle with grey bricks. Two towers made with the same brick were symmetrical standing high to either side of the castle.

Each had a single window to high for reach...

"So... Do we just walk in?" Questioned Saturn.

"Yes! But be ready for anything!" Uranus responded.

"Right!" Everyone yelled together as they headed for the entrance.

Tuxedo mask opened the tall wooden door. It creaked as it opened. Everyone stepped inside. The last to walk in was Venus. As soon as she came in the door slammed shut behind her.

"AHHH!" She yelped running from the door. Everyone turned to look at her. "The door shut behind me!"

"It's probably a trap!" Neptune said.

They all crowded to the middle of the room. It looked like a ball room. Huge and great for dancing. Then across from the entrance were the same doors leading to the rest of the castle. The room was empty except for the small balcony on the wall. It was covered by a red curtain.

Just as everyone noticed the balcony the curtains flew open. It was Queen Shadow. She is leaning her hands on the balcony looking down at them.

Tuxedo mask yelled, "Who are you and where is Sailor Moon?!"

"Hmmm.." She starts to answer, "Where is Sailor Moon?... She is resting peacefully right now in her cell." She said clearly.

Jupiter refuses to believe, "Your Lying!!"

"Tell us the truth!" Mars yelled.

Shadow started to explain, "She really is sleeping right now! I can't lie about that! ....but I can't say that is completely peaceful. Apparently she can't handle getting her energy sucked. Oh well," she crosses her arms and smirks, "I guess she isn't as tough as people say. Which means you should be just the same!"

"What is the reason your doing this?!" Pluto yells as she points her long staff at her.

"Shush! You don't even know me yet!" Shadow responds, "I am Queen Shadow! I am with you in the dark and the light! We are always there to watch you!"

"What do you mean by us?" Saturn asked.

"You'll see!" She sends her dark magic into each corner of the big room. Speakers appear at each spot. "These are here for you to listen live from Sailor Moons cell! You can now hear every scream she will make! I'm not done yet! These guys should keep you guys busy!" She sends her magic all around the room and black shadow like people appear.

Shadow speaks as she leaves the balcony, "Good Luck!"

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