Secret Door

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Usagi POV

Mamoru picked my up once again, and we started towards the door. Uranus opened it up, and we continued out the door. We stopped surrounding the latch into the secret hideout. My stomach started to rumble. I looked up at Mamoru.

"I'm hungry!" I spoke.

Before Mamoru could look down and say anything Jupiter stepped up. She punched out holding a little baggy, "Usagi, no worries! I never leave the house without something sweet to eat!" She winked at me.

I immediately smiled. I got ansi, so Mamoru laid me against the door while Jupiter sat next to me opening the bag.

"HEY!" Venus ran over, "I want one to! Think about other people's hunger please!"

Jupiter said holding the bag close to her, "No! She is the one priority right now! I will give you the leftovers..."

Then I interrupted, "If there is any," and I smiled.

Venus turned letting off steam.

The rest of them went down through the secret door while Jupiter stayed with me. I started eating the cookies right away.


3rd POV

The Senshi and Tuxedo Mask enter the secret door. It seemed to be a weather shelter of some sort.

It was all concrete like a basement. Shelves mostly empty but a few had food and water. A long wooden bench was along one of the walls in bad condition, and the entire place was dusty and with spider webs.

Mars walked closer to the shelves taking a closer look. She looked and noticed something behind one of the food cans. She saw a knife and a small journal. She sneaked her hand around to grab. Then held those two items close to her.

"What did you find?" Uranus spoke.

Mars responded, "It's a journal and knife."

"Open it up!" Venus commanded Mars.

Mars started to open up the journal setting the knife on the ground. It was in good condition, almost new. She opened to the first page. On the top a name was written: Silhouette. Below it was the first entry.

"It says: today ruined my life." Mars read the entry out loud.

"Is that it?" Pluto questioned.

Mars flipped threw all the pages quickly and nothing else was written, "nope, there is nothing. The owners name is on the same page. It's Silhouette."

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