Carved Door

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Usagi POV

I leaned down and kissed Mamoru on the forehead. I shifted myself to sit on his stretched out legs. We were starring right at each other when he kissed me back on the lips. The kiss was quick but sweet. Just enough to show our endless love.

I heard running down the hall when the rest of the senshi ran into the room.

"We came as fast as we can!" Jupiter yelled.

"We heard screaming!" Saturn said worriedly.

I frowned. Mamoru wrapped an arm around my shoulders. I started to see the last few events happen again in my mind. My eyes became hazy like that was all I could focus on.


Tuxedo Mask POV

Usagi was becoming distant again. I just wrapped my arm around her to let her know I was there. I looked up at the senshi.

"She was almost killed by Shade..,"I sighed motioning my hand to the bloody mess on her stomach.

Mercury ran over. The other just arriving senshi following behind.

"This is deep," Mercury stated the obvious while examining it. Usagi didn't move. Her eyes still starring in the distance.

"Here I have an idea!" Mercury started while gathering some of the loose pink ribbons scattered around Usagi, "We can bunch these together and wrap it around. She will need the pressure on the wound. It's all we can do for now."

I help keep Usagi still as Mercury secures the ribbons. She pulls the knot tight and sighs, "there."

Usagi kept herself in her own world while we talked about what's next.

"Outside we saw a door just down the hall," Neptune spoke.

Jupiter started explaining what it was, "The door it seemed special... It had all these carvings around the frame. I wonder where it leads."

"We should check it out then," Mars said.

Everyone stood up and headed for the door. I shook Usagi a little bit before picking her up. She stayed in the same state. I carried her out of the room and followed the others.

We turned a corner and down the hall was the door. It had the phases of the moon carved all around the door frame.


Usagi POV

I was slowly losing it. I was stuck in a frozen state which I quickly got out of when I saw the door we were heading to.

My vision and mind focused on the door. I saw it in my dream from earlier. I screamed and shivered in Mamoru's arms. That door was the start of the worst.

All their eyes focused onto me. They were full of alert.

I heard Mamoru's voice close to my ear. "What's wrong?" His voice full of concern.

Visions flashed in front of my eyes, but they went too quick. I couldn't make anything out. It was overwhelming my brain.


3rd POV

Usagi was shaking and going insane. Everyone was confused and terrified at the sudden outburst.

Uranus ran up to Usagi shaking her violently. The only reaction Usagi gave was searchful eyes and looking for a way to speak. Tears poured down the destroyed girls face. It looked like she was trapped and trying to come back to us.

Tuxedo Mask set her down onto the hard floor. She was panting and rolled up into a ball. She held her head steady and almost ripped what was left of her hair.

Time still pasted as the senshi screamed her name. Usagi was still in a trance but finally calming down.

Her body finally laid still. The senshi stuttered with their words, realizing she calmed. They watched intently as Usagi sat up and leaned her head on the wall next to her. She was panting and coughing.


Usagi POV

The visions and panic ended. I was leaning my head against the wall trying to catch my breath.

I don't know what came over me, but I sensed the end for me was coming. I got the sudden relief of accepting my death. I wasn't worried anymore. This pain was going to continue, but it will soon be over. It was all going to start once I stepped through that door.

My body started getting hot, and I felt sick to my stomach. I was having the same pain attack from earlier. I just cringed from the pain coming from my stomach. It felt like my body was being squeezed.

I looked up at everyone. Their concerned faces could eat me alive. Guilt and sadness flowed through me because of the pain that was coming straight for them. My vision blurred them out as I started crying.

Mamoru came close to me and gave me a hug. "Are you okay now?" was all he asked.

I turned my head away from him. I couldn't look at anyone in the face. This pain was going to be everlasting until my last breath.

"Never," I said slightly cold. I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing.

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