Young Love

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3rd POV

Tux was getting sucked into his own shadow. Mercury and Mars quickly ran to his side. His legs were almost all the way in. Mercury and Mars grabbed his arms and used all their strength to pull him up. It took a second, but he got out okay.

"This won't end yet!" Dim said with a lack of confidence.

He just attacked everywhere weakly.
You could tell he was on the verge of giving up. Gloom attacked too. The senshi cleared out of the way each time. Saturn occasionally using her shield and the others using attacks to block.

Gloom collected her power making it stronger and build up. Her eyes filled with fury, and she spun around and shot randomly. What she didn't know was who exactly she hit.

She heard a familiar voice groan and fall to the ground. She spun. Dim was on the floor taking the same effects her magic gave on Venus, Pulto, and Jupiter. He laid there fidgeting.

Gloom screamed loudly sending more attacks everywhere accidentally out of sudden emotion.

Uranus blocked the attack Gloom shot towards her. Uranus shouted, "WORLD SHAKING!"

World Shaking not only blocked it, but sent part of it at Gloom. Gloom was already on the ground holding her head in her hands sobbing. Uranus' attack hit her right at the top of her back. She instantly got pushed forward. She landed next to Dim.

Gloom laid there shaking. You could see the fear in her eyes. Dim finally got the strength to turn and look at her. He put on a fake and painful smile. She got rolled on her hands and knees and started to gag.

She saw the wall close by them and pushed Dim carefully towards it, laying him against it. She sat lightly on top of his legs.

She whimpered, "We had no chance. This magic is new to us. I-I mean we haven't even trained-ed... Silhouette rushed this-is on us.. and... and.." She turned her head looking down, paranoid.

Dim reached his hand to her face lifting it up. A single tear dropped from her eyes. He wiped it away.

"I know that we weren't going to win. It's just..," He choked, "even though we were reborn for just a little while... It-t was worth living just for me to see and be with you again." He silently cried some tears escaping his eyes.

Gloom cried too. She leaned on top of him resting her knees on each side of him. "I-I love you so m-much," she cried.

She got up close to his face. He whispered in her ear, "I love you too."

Then Dim pulled her in for a kiss. She kissed back passionately. He had one hand on the back of her head and the other grabbing the end of her butt/upper thigh. She was leaning into him her left arm supporting her, and her other fingers lightly touching through the outline of his abs. Anyone could sense the strong love they had. They had been through so much together it made them closer. Continuous tears ran down Glooms face with love and sadness. They threw their life into this last kiss. Love, Loss, and Life was all that passed around their minds before they started to disappear. They continued to kiss. After half their legs were already gone, they lifted their heads apart, catching their breath. They looked into each other's eyes. Gloom's still watery. Dim cupped her face with his hands. They were almost completely disappeared. He pulled her forehand to his lips. He lightly kissed it as the last of them dissolved. Just small fragments of them floating away was all that was left of the couple's young love.

Tortured Soul | #1 | Sailor MoonWhere stories live. Discover now