Bubbles Pop

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3rd POV

The room was filled with dark bubbles everywhere. The room also seemed to have a dark mist to it too.

The Senshi watched with their tear stained cheeks. Bubbles slowly moving around the room by the small wind. One of the smaller bubbles came close to them. It came right to Mercury's face. She starred at it blankly and didn't move a muscle. The bubble touched the tip of her nose. It popped. The popped bubble squirted onto Mercury. She screamed. The small liquid burned against her skin. She jumped up and started wiggling crazily. She rubbed her skin to get it off. She screamed again. The pain wouldn't go away.

Neptune quickly stood up and called, "

The water washed Mercury down, relieving the burning. Mercury dropped to her hands and knees panting.

"This will be interesting.." Jupiter said.


All of them, excluding Tuxedo Mask, stood up and wiped their tears away, becoming strong again and ready for the fight.

The bubbles surrounded them. They knew all they had to do was pop the bubbles, but they had to avoid its burning sprays.

What they didn't know was what the bubbles would do to attack them. It can't be this easy.

Two of the bubbles started right towards them. Pluto and Mars quickly attacked them.


The attacks immediately popped the bubbles. They dashed out of the way quickly. The liquid only hitting the floor.

Saturn was across the room getting chased by one of the bubbles. She was about to attack when another bubble appeared next to her. It quickly pulled her in like a magnet with its opposite side.

Saturn was inside the bubble. She screamed. Her powers weren't working, and the bubble flew higher to the ceiling.

Uranus noticed and used her attack to pop her out, "WORLD SHAKING!"

The bubble popped and Saturn was falling back to the ground. She screamed from the burn of the bubble.

Mercury stepped in, using her water to cool her down.


Uranus ran up to the soaked Saturn, catching her just in time. Saturn sneezed while Uranus set her down.

"You okay?" Uranus and Mercury asked.

Saturn wiped her nose, "Yeah.."

Meanwhile, Tuxedo Mask was with Usagi the entire time. He continued to protect Usagi even though she was dead. He didn't want anything else to happen to her. She deserved the best, but happened to get the worst.

He made sure the bubbles stayed away and held her in his arms. He rubbed her cheek. Then noticed her eyes still open, starring into the distance. He used his thumb and pointer finger to shut her eye lids. Finally giving her rest.


Authors Note

Sorry about the short chapter.. Having a bit of writers block (-。-;

By the way, I posted a new story yesterday for Valentines! It's called "The Sweet Now" and is based on a real relationship I've had. It's a Fairy Tail fanfiction, so go read it if you are a fan of that amazing anime!! (^◇^)

Again, thanks for reading like always!!

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