All Together

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Author's Note
Hello Lovelies! Sorry I haven't updated in so long, but I am NOT giving up on this story because I love it so much! Also quick tip before you read! You might want to refresh your memory, so I would go back and read a couple chapters! ...I haven't written in so long I actually had to go back and reread chapters too.. Whoops! XD
Anyway, Enjoy the long awaited chapter! <3
~ Steph


Usagi POV

My wings came to a halt, and I again floated in the air. I searched for the voice, but like always I couldn't find where it was coming from. "Who and Where are you?" I asked the voice.

The voice came from a man, "You cannot go yet."

Wait! He avoided my question! Ugh, Who is this guy?

I consumed my short temper and sighed, "then what should I do?"

He spoke calmly, "Wait."

"Wait for what?"

"You must wait! Your fate hasn't been decided yet. Your friends down there are still fighting for you. Your life might not be finished, so we need to wait and see what history writes."

I stayed silent and started to wonder what was going on down there without me.

3rd POV

"Neptune! Now!" Uranus screamed to her.

Neptune pulled out her mirror and shouted, "SUBMARINE REFLECTION!" She spun as the attack shot out of the mirror. This killed off the last of the Shadow People. "Go, Everyone!" Neptune called back.

The senshi took Queen Shadow's shock of how strong Neptune was to their advantage. Everyone began to shout and combine their powers.


"PLANET POWER ATTACK!!" Everyone called in unison.

The attack flew right to Queen Shadow. The senshi's attack was too quick for her to use a shield. The Queen was hit and thrown backwards hitting the ground of the balcony with a loud thud.

Before the senshi could think they had finally killed her off, the walls began to shake again. You could feel the tension bounce off the walls. The senshi ducked and cowered. The roof and walls were starting to crack and chip. The queen was still not visible due to the balcony's height, but you could hear her rage start to grow louder.

Soon, they turned into angry screams. The Queen finally picked herself up from the ground. When she turned to face the senshi, the madness creeping in her eyes was terrifying. Her nose was scrunched and mouth in a sneer.

Her growing power was clear in her hands. She lifted up her arms and shot her powers at the senshi without any hesitation. She started to scream and cry out and still continued her power overload attacks.

The senshi were getting hit repeatedly. They were getting thrown against the walls and pushed down to the ground. Scratches and bruises appeared on them instantly. No one could stand for a second without getting hit again.

Queen Shadow was going insane. Her emotions were taking over her completely. She then used her surging magic to recreate the balcony. The wall of the balcony lowered and stretched making a tall staircase from the floor to a high stage where Shadow stood along with her throne and Usagi's brooch still in its case.

She looked down at the injured senshi with disgust and sliced her arm through the air sending a quick and sharp attack towards the wounded for them to receive another blow.

"This is what you get for ruining my life," Shadow calls to the senshi, "who knew the protectors of the solar system were so weak."

Her face almost smiled at the comment. She traced around the case that kept the powerful brooch safe. She touched her finger nail against the glass, and it screeched as she walked away still tracing her nail along the glass. She sat back down at her throne.

She took a look at the crowd of defeated sailors. The Queen's eye lids pinched together as she saw Sailor Uranus attempt to stand back up. Uranus got onto her feet but was holding onto her injured side. Neptune was on the ground next to her with worried eyes, and was trying to pull Uranus back down next to her.

"Uranus, what are you-,"Neptune whispered with a shaken voice but was quickly interrupted by Uranus herself.

"This isn't over! You haven't defeated us yet!" Uranus shouted at Queen Shadow.

Mars and Jupiter started to shake to a stance together as well. Mars partly leaning over with Jupiter leaning slightly onto her with her arm on Mar's back.

"We can't give up!" Saturn called to her friends while only having the strength to kneel.

"For Usagi!" Venus yelled.

Mercury joined in, "This is for Usagi!"

A hand was placed onto Mercury's back. It was Pluto smiling down at her still sitting body. Venus was in a crouched stance leaning her hands onto her bent knees for support. Tuxedo Mask was standing by Usagi's body being her shield.

The senshi and Tux stood as tall as they could. Their confidence rising. They couldn't loose. This would not be the end. They would win this battle for Usagi, their cherished friend.

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