Snip Snip

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Usagi POV

I sat there. I could barley keep my eyes open. Just hanging there like always it seemed while they played with me like nothing at all. I feel like one of their toys just here to entertain them.


A little time passed. I heard footsteps and then my chin being lifted up. It was Queen Shadow, and she started to kneel down in front of me. She had something tucked behind her, so I made a tough look on my face.

I faked, "Really? You came back already? I can't possibly imagine what it will be this time!"

She ignored, "I have a treat for you! We are going to do a makeover!" She then revealed what was hidden behind her back. It was scissors. She then smiled and did a little snip snip with them, "We are going to makeover your hair! Don't you think it's been like this for too long? I think it's time for a change don't you think?" She played.

I just starred at her. I didn't know what to say, so I kept quiet. I mean how bad would it be to have my hair cut...

...But my hair is more important than I thought...

She put the scissors on the ground and pulled my long hair into her hands, and she examined them.

...With it cut I'll have a part of me gone...

"Hmm," she spoke, "I know how to start this."

...It makes me who I am...

She pushed my head down, and I looked at the floor. I felt her fingers take down my buns, so my hair was thick and all in one piece.

...It's a memory of my mom...

"I think we should just start! What look would you like?" She laughed at her question expecting no answer.

...and a look towards my future daughter...

She looked at my hair another time.

...Bun Head...

She grabbed her scissors from the ground.


She reached for the right of my head about to snip the first piece of hair.

"NOOOO!" I slapped the scissors right out of her hands. The sharp edges in the air and skidding my thigh then landing on the ground. I noticed the blood rising from the small cuts. My eyes started filling up with tears. Unexpectedly I felt a pain in my cheek as I slid with her slap.


I didn't even apologize. She grabbed the scissors again, and grabbed a chunk of hair. She started to cut really close to my head. About an inch away.

She kept cutting. Finally there was a 4th of my hair short. I already felt the weight leave my scalp. My tears came out more dramatically I couldn't see a thing. Then she went to cut another part off. I lost it. My head shot down into my hands and I started sobbing. There was no way to keep any emotion inside anymore. I had to let everything out.

She angrily stood up, "Well you did it again; you got all emotional! Now here is your punishment!" She swung her fingers, and I was turned around.


3rd POV

Queen Shadow used her magic to have a whip appear in her hands.

"And the punishment is... Getting whipped three times!" She walked towards Usagi, "I hope you don't freak out again. It would be a shame since you should learn your lesson now." She talked baby to me.

She took the whip in one hand and threw her arm forward. Usagi screamed her back bouncing towards the wall. Queen Shadow did it again. Usagi let out a loud cry and accidentally hit her head against the concrete wall. Tears rushed down her cheeks and neck. Once more a hit to the back. Usagi screamed and cried as her back was bleeding. Now bleeding even more by the whips reopening her knife wounds.

Queen shadow's whip disappeared and she spun Usagi back around.


Usagi POV

My mind was going crazy! I can't settle down. I can't stop crying. There is so much pain it could go numb. I'm choking on my tears, trying to settle my breathing. Queen Shadow once again gets down in front of me with the scissors.

"Are you gonna settle down now," she rolled her eyes.

I wipe up what I can, and look at her trying to calm myself down. She has me turn my head to get to the back. I close my eyes. My cheeks still soaked.


She cuts and snips. I sit there calmly and do what she says. I was silent the rest of the time closing my eyes. She finishes. My scalp feels so light it's unreal, and I can feel the cold air hit it much easier now. My hair is short, messy, and choppy. It's uneven and nothing is the same length. Now I feel like Haruka. Short that I feel all the air on my neck too.

She speaks then leaves, "My job is done."

I just sit there my eyes closed, thinking blankly. I do have a headache that won't go away anytime soon, but I easily fall asleep because of crying so much.

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