Scratched Mirror

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3rd POV

A loud scream came from the speakers. Tuedo Mask stops what he's doing and listens to the screams.

"USAKO!! Where are you?! We are coming!" Tuxedo Mask said with tears escaping his eyes.

He was standing still for too long. A shadow person walked tall and close to him.

"Move!" Mars yelled to Tux.

He looked at Mars but didn't realize her warning. The Shadow Person went right through him. He froze. He was stuck!

Mars and Jupiter ran over. They each grabbed one arm trying to pull him from where he was stuck. They pulled and pulled but fell back trying. The goo was all over them, and he just looked straight ahead not knowing what was going on around him.

"Mercury, What do we do?!" Jupiter called over Mercury.

Mercury ran over, "There is nothing to do! Just protect him before he unsticks."

"Alright" Mars and Jupiter said together. They both surrounded Tuxedo Mask and killed off anything coming close until he started to break free.

The goo melted away until it seemed like nothing was there. It also melted off Jupiter and Mars. He fell to the ground gasping. Jupiter went to help while Mars took care of the last couple Shadows.


Usagi POV

I woke up to a feeling of someone touching my chin but when I opened my eyes nothing was here. Then I felt my head turn to the right because someone was pulling my left pig tail. Still nothing was there.

"Hello?" I asked. Then I felt my arm rising into the air. Something was pulling my chain up high. "U-Um someone h-here?" I asked again. All I heard was a quiet laugh in the distance. It sounded familiar, but I didn't know who. My vision is suddenly distorted. My head is spinning. I hold my head in my hands.

My vision was still foggy when someone short appeared in front of me. I blinked until my eyes adjusted and I could find out who it was. It scared me when I realized that a clown was in front of me.

He started to chuckle, "Remember me Saaailorrrr Moooonn?" He said while leaning in closer. Hmmm. I leaned back. It was Mr. Magic Pierrot! He was that crazy clown with the green hair that was there when Hawkseye was looking in my dream mirror. He was trying to eliminate Fisheye, Tigerseye, and Hawkseye. Now it seems he will eliminate me.

He steps back a bit and lifts up his index finger. "One," he says calmly. A red board comes up from behind me. "Two," The chains secure to the board. "Three," my dream mirror comes out. Screams escape my mouth as it forms outside of my body. I'm nervous for what he will do. He takes the mirror in one hand. The other hand lifts up and his nails grow long and sharp. He leans his nails onto the top of the mirror. Then he slowly and deeply starts to scratch the mirror. I have never felt queasy pain like this before. My stomach turns as I cry, scream, and search for air to breath.

Is this torture going to be the last of me. Are these my last couple of moments? I feel exhausted and knock out.


3rd POV

Sailor Moon is knocked out and Mr. Magic Pierrot finishes all the scratches. Before he puts the mirror back inside her, His hand forms dark magic, and let's it float into the mirror. Then her pushes the mirror into her and the room goes back to normal.

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