Silhouette's Sorrow

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3rd POV

"It's Silhouette," Mars said. Suddenly everyone's vision became fuzzy. Once it was coming back into focus, they were floating by the entrance in the ballroom. It was a young girl that Tuxedo Mask recognized. The same one he saw in all flash backs. Then a similar looking Women that was older and assumed was her mother.

The mother held her daughter's shoulders giving eye contact, "We are going to see what is happening and try to stop it to keep balance. While we are gone go into the shelter and take all the other kids with you! It's important to keep them alive and well. It will be a perfect practice before you become the next Queen Shadow, Silhouette. Stay down there for a couple days, and I will be down to get you when we return. Or come up when you think it's been long enough." The Mother and Daughter hugged each other with tears in their eyes, "Stay Safe, Me and your father love you very much."

"I love you too, Mom," Silhouette replied. The mother let go and walked out the big doors looking back one final time.

The vision around them became black, and the Senshi fell down. They appeared to be back in the Shelter but floating above it.

Now Silhouette was with 3 other children. Two kids looked about the same age, a boy and a girl. The boy had a typical hairstyle with dark green hair. Then the girl had dark blue hair brushed into a low side ponytail. They looked around 10. Then another boy that seemed to be 13 had a buzz cut. You could still make out the color which was black.

"Alright," Silhouette started while motioning the kids to sit on the long bench. The kids sat, and Silhouette crouched down to eye level with them and sighed, "I know you are confused about what is going on, and that is okay! We just need to stay down here for a couple days until further notice. Since I am 15, I'll be here to help! Queen Shadow assigned this to me herself!"

The kids continued to look confused and sad. Silhouette was hiding tears herself, "I know this is hard because it is for me too...," Then she said confidently, "Let's be strong for our parents okay?" Then she went to hug them.

A bright light blinded the Senshi and Tux as the scene changed again. It was in the same view but obviously later. The food on the shelves were less, and all the kids had dark circles under their eyes.
Silhouette was in the corner with a journal. The one Mars found. She had a pen and was looking at the ceiling thinking of what to write.


Silhouette POV

It seemed to be late, but I didn't care. It's not like I would get any sleep in the first place with all my stress and worry. I looked down at my journal. It was empty, and I wanted to write a diary, but I couldn't think of anything to write even though I knew what I wanted to write about. Maybe I shouldn't write anything. No one would care about my life. I haven't done anything good yet and I'm already about to die. I felt like crying. The food was almost gone and should we even go out yet? There is nothing outside either. My heart sank.

My eyes widened. A sudden weight was pressed to my shoulders as I realized my worst nightmare. What the hell was I thinking. I starting having an anxiety attack. I didn't feel safe. I backed against the wall as far as I could. I didn't want. I needed to escape from my regret! How could I forget! I couldn't take it! I burst into tears wailing as loud as I could. I forgot! I forgot! Now I was beating myself up. I choked on my words, "I FORGOT ABOUT CRATER!" Screams escaped my mouth as I felt true horror. The two ten year olds, Dim and Gloom, started crying as they woke up. Shade woke up too. But he stood up and walked to me as I was facing the ground crouched and losing it. I finally knew what to write! I grabbed the journal and pen then wrote my name quickly on the page and wrote in big layers, "Today ruined my life"

I looked up and saw Shade looking down on me. I quickly got up and grabbed the knife that was on the top shelf, so no one else could reach. I starred at my reflection in the knife. I quickly pointed it to myself and fell to my knees. Right before I was about to stab. Shade grabbed my arm to stop me. I looked up at him with big eyes.

"Don't, That's worth two," he simply said.

I looked at him forgetting this unavoidable responsibility. I immediately dropped the knife. Holding my head in my hands. Droplets of tears hit the ground leaving a little wet circle on the concrete.


Time passed and I set the journal and knife behind a couple jars. Hiding them.

"It's time to go," I said crouching down to meet Gloom and Dim's eyes, "We have been here for more than a week. I think it's about time to go up," I closed my eyes cringing at the thought of Crater. I looked back at Shade already at the steps. I stood up and took their hands in mine, "let's go!" I tried to sound cheerful leading them up the steps, "let's hope everything turned out okay."


I left them in the ballroom and ran to the prison. I ran up the steps and froze not wanting to see what I know I would. My breathing became rapid. I started to panic. I took a deep shaky breath and braced myself. I turned and started walking to his stall with my eyes closed.

My eyes slowly lifted. I saw him. I saw crater. He was against the bars. Each hand grasping one, but his head was down and body worn down. I screamed. My face already streaming with tears I couldn't control. I bent down in front of him. Looking at the bars that separated us. I shakily touched his hand, "Crater?" I whispered starting to shake him, "Crater?" I said louder, "Crater?!" I screamed. I cried until my eyes went dry just starring at the ground. My emotions were so built up until now with not just Crater, but all the people I knew and loved that went down to Earth and didn't return.

When I stopped crying, I stood up suddenly feeling determined. I took my hands and grabbed the black ribbon holding part of my hair up. I pulled it out straight, and tied it around one of the jail polls. This would be a symbol of all the loss we suffered that day. I walked to the top of the steps. Looking back at Crater then at my stomach. I rubbed it. My baby will live happy unlike I did. Before I took a step forward I began my revenge...

"This isn't over."

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