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3rd POV

Tuxedo Mask walked up the steps. Once at the top, He had to turn left to actually enter the room. The room had creaky wooden floors, and along the walls were small jail stalls. At the end, which would have been the last stall on the left was closed off by bricks and a single door.

He took another step, but was caught into another flash back. This time the girl that ran into me as I approached the steps, walked into the room. She grabbed keys that were hanging on the wall and ran to the jail stall that was closest to the brick one. Someone was laying against the wall in the cell. She was wearing a black dress. On the sleeves they were tight until the elbow then expanded big into what looked like their own skirts. A corset in the front made with white ribbon. The collar had white lace details. The front of her hair was pulled back into two different braids to reach the back and then tied together by a black ribbon. He was wearing nothing but loose dirty discolored white pants. He smiled and looked up at her as she used the keys to unlock the cell. She ran inside basically jumping on top of him.

"What is it? What is it?" The guy smiled excitedly as they looked at each other in the eyes.

She laughed and responded, "Crater, I'm pregnant! We are having a baby!"

They laughed and kissed each other. Looked into each others eyes and smiled each time their lips lifted apart. Then he bent down and kissed her stomach.

"Have you told anyone yet?" He asked.

She laid down next to him and put her head on his chest, "Nope, I wanted you to be the first."

He pushed her away and stood up still holding onto her shoulders, "I hope this changes things."

She looked at him and started to cry, "I hope so too." He kissed her.

Tuxedo Mask walked up to the window at the end of the room. As he looked outside it was sunset. He could see the surface of the Earth and the entire Moon in the sky.

Before he knew it an explosion happened on the moon. A burst of smoke blew up in the air. The entire castle shook. Was this Earth's war on the moon? Is this telling me the story of what happened hear? He looked over at the couple. They were holding each other tightly with worried expressions.

"What's happening," the girl said. She got up from his side and walked out of the cell and ran to where I was looking out the window. The guy stepped slightly out of his cell. She stepped back from the window a hand hitting her mouth,
"T-The Moon! It h-had an explosio-on!" Tears formed in her eyes as she rushed back to his cell. He stepped back in and she started to lock it back up, "I have to tell everyone what is going on! I will come back later, I promise," She attempted a smile.

"Don't be late!" He said.

She smiled again and ran down the stairs in a rush.


The flash back ended. He was back in reality. The only thing he could think of doing was going into the bricked off cell. Right before he reached for the knob, he noticed attached to one of the poles at the prisoners cell from the flash back was a black ribbon.


Usagi POV

I lay here looking at the ground. I'm trying to forget about the pain that I'm feeling. I am waiting for someone to show up to lead me even closer to death.

Just my luck, someone comes in. I can hear the footsteps. The weirdest part is that someone opened a door? I keep my head down. I have no strength to defend myself of any sort, so I decide to scream, "PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE! JUST LEAVE ME HERE TO DIE! I CANT TAKE THIS ANYMORE!"

The foot stepped up close for me to see them. I could recognize those shoes anywhere. I started crying and screaming as I slowly looked up to see it was Mamoru. It wouldn't stop. I looked up at his face, and his concern. He bent down not saying anything. I could see his silent cry to himself because his eyes were watery. I continued to sob. He unlocked and released me from all my chains.

I jumped into his arms. We sat there silent for a long while. We were both shaking as much as the other. He gripped me tightly. It was painful, but it didn't matter right now. I just let it all out, digging my face into his chest. When I settled down a bit I looked up and we locked eyes.

Mamoru finally broke all the silence, "Are you okay? I'm glad I found you!" He hugged me even harder.

I let out a gasp. A flush of pain went through me. He quickly let go. "I'm better now that your here," I cried.


He tried to lift me up. I dealt with the pain and stood up leaning on him. I felt light headed.

"Do you think you can walk?" He asked.

I thought about this for a moment but then said, "There is no way."

"Alright, I will carry you."

He picked me up into his arms, but suddenly I felt sick to my stomach, "Mamo-Chan... I feel sick," I mumbled. His reaction was quick and he leaned me over to face the ground, and I puked.

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