Chapter 4: Leclerc

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Isabelles POV

after the races me and my best friend moved in and to finish our studies. The first day we moved in wasn't bad but we had school in the morning so I was suffering. When I woke up the next day I took a shower and got my uniform and went to wake up Zyra.

"Zy schools starting in 5 minutes"

I lied school starts in 20 minutes but we needed to pick up Ollie.

"Im getting up" she said still half asleep she went to the shower and got out 5 minutes that mean we have 15 minutes left. we got out of the house at 7:30 am we still got time we went to go to pick up Ollie. We talked and we got there at 7:43 or something. The walk was only 10 minutes so it was fine but I was exhausted by the time we got to school.

"what's you're first period" Ollie said

"I don't know me and Zy have the same periods"I said worried maybe me and Ollie weren't classmates but when Zy told me our schedule. Ollie was over the moon we had all the same classes. But I new it wasn't a coincidence because my mom new the principal of my school and I told her all about Ollie so maybe she did this. I questioned myself. So I got my phone and texted her

Maman, as-tu appelé mon école pour dire au directeur que je voulais le même emploi du temps qu'Ollie?
(Ma did you call my school and tell the principal that I wanted the same schedule as Ollie?)

Oui je l'ai fait et s'il te plait profite de toi
(Yes i did and please enjoy your self)

oui maman je t'aimerai
(yes mom i will love you)

I was over the moon when my mom did that for me just to have a great day but when we got to class there was one problem two people in one table there was a seat next to Ollie and that empty seat was next to another one. I wanted to be next to Zyra but it was ok atleast I was next to Ollie. Our first class was French I took it because of Zyra. I was bored cause I was already fluent in french I was born in fucking Monaco what was I supposed to do. I was minding my own business until the teacher saw me he said

"miss Leclerc you listening"

"yes I am" I said kinda annoyed.

"well then tell me something in french"

"Je ferai de mon mieux et passerai ce cours car je parle déjà couramment le français" Wich means I will do my best and will past this class because im already fluent in french.

"si vous parlez déjà couramment le français, pourquoi êtes-vous ici ?"
(if youre already fluent in french why are you here?"

"Je suis ici à cause de ma meilleure amie Zyra et ma mère m'a forcé à"
(im here because of my best friend Zyra and my mom forced me to)

"miss Leclerc where are you from?"


"that's a wonderful county. Now let's move on"

"hey why did you take this class when you're so fluent in french?" Ollie whispered to me.

"well Zyra and my mom forced me to so" I whispered back

"can you give me private french lessons"

"yeah ok this afternoon at you're place?"


at lunch I told Zyra what happened a lot of people were watching so we talked in Italian another language I was fluent in and Zyra too we talked in that language because we knew my brothera would be snooping around us.

"gli darò lezioni private più tardi"
(im giving him private lessons later)

"sei così fortunato che il tuo vero amore è letteralmente Ollie"
(youre so lucky youre true love is literally Ollie)

"così è vero, non so se gli piaccio ancora"
(like thata true i dont know if he likes me yet)

"beh, devi scoprirlo perché è così che sei tipo"
(well you need to find out because hes so youre type)

we talked until Ollie came and sat down.


"hey I gotta go and fix something bye Ias love you. And Bye Ollie"

I can't believe it she left she fucking left I was kinda relived and angry at the same time. Me and Ollie talked and we went to class together until it was home time and I remembered I needed to give Ollie private lesson so I walked with him as we got there he introduced me to his mom and siblings. we went to his bedroom and I gave him a lesson as soon as the lesson was done he was more fluent now I went to his bed and laid down he did the same thing next to me.

"now tell me something in French" I said

"tu veux regarder un film?"
(wanna watch a movie?)

"bien sûr"

we watched a movie until it's almost dinner I told Ollie I needed to go because I promised Zyra to make dinner this time. He frowned and nodded not saying anything. I gave him a quick hug and told him I will be here tomorrow so he won't be sad.

As I was walking to our house I saw some men walking around and they didn't look like they're from our neighborhood so I walk as fast as I could but they spotted me they called out my name and I look at them. I was so relieved when it was just some Formula 1 drivers and my two annoying brothers.

"hey Isa can we come and see you're house" Lando said.

"of course you can" I said while opening the door.

When I open the door no one was there I looked around the house to see if Zyra was anywhere to be found but no Zyra was spotted when I went in her room I saw a note saying she's with her boyfriend and she'll be home by tomorrow. Great I'm all alone with 5 f1 drivers and my annoying brothers.

"So what brings you to my home" I said sarcasticly.

"we thought it was a great idea to visit our favorite Leclerc" Max said while sitting.

"haha very funny you're favorite Leclerc is her?" Charles said annoyed.

"yeah do you have a problem?" Perrier said.

We all talked grabbed takeout until it was 1 in the morning good thing it was Saturday night. I gave them all hugs and they went back I was so happy that next week it was gonna be race week again. I was over the moon cause my brothers were gonna race in Monaco our home town too I needed to get a haircut because my hair had split ends now.

Author's note:

Again tried to make this long so please leave a comment if you like it and don't forget to vote 🤍

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