chapter 14: nevermind

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Isabelles POV

We partied and partied until they needed to go home. But before Ollie could go home I needed to ask him something so we went on a little walk.

"did you know this was a surprise party?" I asked.

"yeah. I wanted to tell you. But it wouldn't be a surprise anymore"

"well true"

We talked until we reached their house.

"I had fun" he said with a smile then hugged me.


He kissed me then I went back home. Maman, Arthur and Charles were sleeping at me and Zyras house since there flight wasn't until tomorrow.
I went to go say sorry to Arthur. I went in his room. And before I could say anything he started.

"get out!"

"what the fuck. This is my house and you can't just fucking kick me out"

"you fucking ruined my life"

"WHAT THE FUCK DO YIU MEAN! I'VE BEEN I YOU'RE SHADOW. YOU FUCKING RUINED MY LIFE. I JUST WANTED TO HAVE FUN BUT YIU FUCKING RUINED IT" I said with anger still in my body. All those years of him, him being there for me but also ruining everything.

"what do you mean?" he asked.

"you ruined everything, I had friends but really they were only friends with me to be close to you, you know what nevermind"

I walked out of his room still having tears in my eyes. Before I could slam the door he said something.

"I didn't ment that to happen"

I stopped to say something. "well if you weren't my brother I wouldn't be suffering" I said. But that didn't felt right. It felt like I was wrong. I went to my room and cry more but me and Zyra shared a room since there were only 3 bedrooms the guest rood had 2 beds so Charles and Arthur shared a room while Maman took Zyras room.
Zyra saw me crying so she just went and hugged me.

"it's ok" she said while stroking my hair.

After I calmed down I explained to her why I was crying.

"awww babes it's ok" she said calming me and while stroking my hair.

"I know but I feel like im the bad guy here" I said still wanting to cry.

"ok well, if you feel like you're the bad guy, become the good guy" Maman always said that too me and Zyra since we were little so that was in our hearts.

"but how to become the good guy when you already messed up everything"

"there are so many things you could do. But first you need to get up and say sorry to him"

"fine. I will become the good guy"

I went to the guest room to say sorry. But when I opened it I saw.

Author's note:

sorry I had to cut off the ending but it gets juicy. And sorry for the short chapters I wanted to make longer ones but I'm kinda busy at the moment so stay tuned for more chapters. And don't forget to vote 🤍

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