Chapter 4

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Sorry for grammatical mistakes

He roamed here and there cause he couldn't believe what he just heard a few moments ago.

When he left the hospital he just asked the driver to take him home and after that he took his own car and left to clear his mind.

He came back home and straight went to his room when it was time of dinner, he didn't went....he just didn't felt like doing anything

When the doctor told him that Taehyung is one month pregnant and the way his wolf behaved after listening to this he just couldn't believe it.

What is he gonna do if Taehyung comes to him? Or how it will be

The journey to become a father was really hard but was he even ready to become a father?

His train of thoughts wasn't stopping at all and nothing was helping, so he ended his wandering and returned home.

He reached home late so he figured his grandma was asleep and he saw the study room light on so he thoughts Yoongi must be working

As he was moving towards his room, soon a maid came and bowed to him.

"Young master Jungkook, master Yoongi is waiting for you in his study room" the maid said.

Jungook said and started moving towards the study room.

Of Course he knew Yoongi would call him, after ignoring his calls for the whole day, after the hospital incident he didn't feel like talking to anyone, so he just texted Yoongi that he is with Yugyeom and he will be home soon.But somewhere he knew that Yoongi know he wasn't with Yugyeom.

He entered the room and he saw Yoongi in his night suit going through some documents and a glass of whisky beside him.

The room is dimly lit, with shelves filled with books and papers scattered across Yoongi's desk. Yoongi sits in his plush armchair, engrossed in going through some documents. The sound of the door creaking open draws his attention, and he looks up to see Jungkook standing at the entrance, looking a little flustered.

"Jungkook, where have you been the whole day?" Yoongi asked.

"Ummm, Hyung" Jungkook says but was at a loss of words

Yoongi remains calm and closes his eyes for a brief moment.

"You know you can tell me anything, Jungkook-ahh" Yoongi says as he gets up from his chair and walks towards Jungkook.

Now here even though Yoongi knew Jungkook was at hospital and he wasn't with Yugyeom, he wanted to hear from the younger what happened. Jeon brothers were quite close, especially after their parent's death. So they never hide anything from each other.

Jungkook hesitates for a moment before speaking

"I was at hospital hyung, with omega" Jungkook says

Yoongi raised an eyebrow but nodded telling Jungkook to continue.

Jungkook takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words to explain the situation to Yoongi.

"That omega, his name is Taehyung, He's pregnant, hyung. And the baby is mine" Jungkook says worriedly

Yoongi's eyes widened in surprise, giving Jungkook his full attention.

"Pregnant? Are you serious, Jungkook? How did this happen?" Yoongi asks

Jungkook looks down, feeling a mix of emotions, from guilt to concern.

"It was just one night stand, Hyung. I never meant for this to happen, but now Taehyung's pregnant with my child" Jungkook says silently.

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