Chapter 14

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sorry for any grammatical mistake

It was a classic restaurant, with not too much crowd since it was a bit early for business, all of them settled in a private diner. The two couples and Hoseok settled into their seats, still carrying the echo of the surprising kiss in their minds. Hoseok took charge of breaking the ice, directing questions at Jimin and Taehyung about their work.

"So, Jimin, Taehyung, what's the latest scoop from your world?" Hoseok inquired with a grin.

Jimin chuckled, "Oh, you know, the usual photoshoot & chaos of deadlines and nothing else"

Hoseok smiled at that and looked at Taehyung.

Taehyung chimed in, "Ohh me, Nothing I just have a painting to finish."

Hoseok replied "Wow, Maybe someday, I will get to see your art"

"Ohh, why not soon I am gonna have my first solo exhibition, and you're invited hyung" Taehyung said with a boxy smile.

Jungkook, who was initially startled by the kiss, gradually found himself drawn into the conversation, nodding and adding bits here and there.

Jungkook frowned when he heard Taehyung inviting Hoseok,why Taehyung didn't invite him

Meanwhile, Yoongi remained relatively quiet, observing the interactions. When the waiter arrived to take their orders, everyone pitched in with their preferences. Even Taehyung, who can't eat spicy food, insisted on ordering the spiciest dish on the menu.

Jimin, however, intervened, "Tae, you sure about the spicy choice? You know it messes with your stomach. Maybe go for something milder today?"

Taehyung pouted playfully, "But hyung, I'm craving spice today! Please, just this once?"

Yoongi, usually reserved, spoke up, "Let him have what he wants. It won't hurt once in a while."

Taehyung smiled at that, Yoongi looked at him with an eye smile.

Jimin chuckled, "I don't get your cravings, Tae. You claim not to like spicy food or mint chocolate, but here you are, eating both."

Hoseok, ever the joker, teased, "Maybe it's because Jungkook likes all those things. Isn't that right, Jungkook?"

Jungkook's eyes widened, and he coughed slightly, caught off guard. "Uh, well, I guess I do like them," he admitted, blushing.

As the chatter continued, Taehyung and Hoseok seemed to be in their own world, sharing stories and laughing over shared memories.

Meanwhile, Jungkook couldn't help but steal glances at Taehyung, remembering Jimin's comment about his aversion to spicy food.

When the food arrived, the group dug in, and Taehyung attacked his spicy dish, surprising everyone.

Soon, Hoseok excused himself to take a call.

However, Taehyung suddenly started coughing, likely a result of the spiciness. Concerned, Jimin reached for water, but before he could, Jungkook was there, handing Taehyung a glass and patting his back. Jimin couldn't help but smile at Jungkook's attentive gesture, and Taehyung thanked him once the coughing fit subsided.

Hoseok returned,

"What happened, Hoseok?" Yoongi enquired.

"Actually my eomma is here, I didn't knew she will give me surprise" Hoseok said smiling

Yoongi nodded at that.

"I will just drop her home and come back to the office," Hoseok said, taking out his keys.

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