Chapter 20

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Sorry for any grammatical mistakes

"Ohh shit," Jimin said

Cursing under his breath, he debated his next move.

Determined to reach the company building, he dashed across the road and reached the entrance of the company building, the rain had already dampened his clothes.

Lost in thought, Jimin was startled by a voice calling his name. He turned to see a familiar face, but one he hadn't expected to encounter in this unexpected rainstorm.

"Jimin," the voice called out again, this time with a hint of concern.

"Yoongi?" Jimin's voice held a mix of surprise and relief as he took in the sight of his fiance standing before him.

Yoongi's concern was evident as he observed Jimin's drenched state. "Jimin, are you alright?" he asked, his voice tinged with worry.

Jimin nodded, offering a small smile. "Yeah, just got caught in the rain. I was about to head inside."

It was indeed Yoongi, waiting for the rain to cease so he could drive home. However, when he stepped out and spotted Jimin standing drenched in the rain, his plans seemed to change.

After a brief exchange, Yoongi suggested to Jimin that they should wait in his office, since there was no sign that rain was going to stop. Once there, Yoongi couldn't help but notice how Jimin's white shirt clung to his body, prompting him to offer one of his own shirts.

Jimin changed into Yoongi's shirt

"Do you want coffee?" Yoongi asked, thinking it might help the younger man to feel more at ease.

Jimin shook his head in response as he looked around the office

Yoongi nodded understandingly.

"You must love it here a lot," Jimin remarked, breaking the silence.

Yoongi looked at him, a hint of confusion in his eyes.

"I mean, you're here just as much as you are at headquarters, so you must really love music," Jimin clarified.

The realisation dawned on Yoongi as he absorbed Jimin's words. Yes, he did love music a lot.

"Yes, you're right. Music is the only thing that keeps my mind sane amidst the chaos of the business world," Yoongi admitted with a touch of bitterness, followed by a chuckle.

Jimin sensed the bitterness in Yoongi's tone

"But how do you...?" Yoongi asked.

"How did I know that You love music?" Jimin finished Yoongi's question.

"Hoseok hyung told me about you starting this company and producing songs. So, I figured it out," Jimin replied.

"It must get boring in the business world sometimes," Jimin mused, curiosity evident in his tone.

"Why just not focus on music and leave all this empire-building aside?" Jimin asked, genuinely intrigued.

There was silence, Jimin thought Yoongi didn't like the question or thought why he should answer Jimin.

But Yoongi's voice took away attention from his own thoughts

"I've been learning about business as long as I've been learning about music, Since the age of 12" Yoongi explained.

Jimin looked puzzled, prompting Yoongi to elaborate, "My grandma taught me everything about business. By the time I was 16, I was already attending board meetings."

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