Chapter 7

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Sorry for grammatical mistakes

That night nobody could sleep peacefully, everyone kept thinking about dinner.

Before leaving, Jimin and Taehyung informed grandma that they will be moving to Jeon mansion next week.


"What, so you're telling me that you're going to move to his place", Tae min said with wide eyes.

Jimin nodded while taking a sip of his coffee, today after shooting Jimin decided to meet his only friend Tae min, they have been friends since school, Tae min is the only one who doesn't want to be Jimin's friend because of all the limelight.

"And, guess what I am already done with him," Jimin said, rubbing his eyes.

"It's okay, Minnie," Tae Min said as he patted Jimin's head.

Soon the subject shifted to somewhere else and they kept on talking about random stuff. Soon they finished their coffee and were about to headout for some shopping, so they decided to go to the mall.

Amidst the elegant displays of luxury items, the Gucci shop exuded an air of sophistication. Jimin and Tae Min, both impeccably dressed, browsed through the various items on display – from sleek leather bags to stylish accessories. Their laughter and whispered comments blended seamlessly with the plush ambiance of the store.

As Jimin held up a wallet to inspect it under the soft store lighting, a voice suddenly cut through the air, "Jimin?" Startled, he turned around, the wallet still in his hand. His eyes widened imperceptibly, surprised to see someone from his past standing there.

"Jae Joon?" Jimin managed to greet, his voice steady despite the initial shock. The tall figure before him, dressed in a perfectly tailored suit, held an air of confidence that commanded attention. They exchanged a smile, but underneath that practised smile, Jimin's heart raced.

Tae Min, who had been engrossed in examining a pair of sunglasses, looked up at the newcomer's voice. Sensing the sudden shift in atmosphere, he shot Jimin a curious glance before offering a polite smile to the unexpected guest.

Jimin and Jae Joon engaged in a moment of silent acknowledgment – a silent conversation that only they understood. Years had passed since high school, and their lives had taken separate paths. But standing there, face to face, old memories began to resurface.

"I didn't expect to run into you here," Jae Joon finally spoke, his tone casual yet carrying a layer of hidden tension. "How have you been?"

Jimin cleared his throat, regaining his composure. "I've been well. Working and keeping busy, you know."

A pause hung in the air, laden with unspoken words and memories that neither wanted to vocalise. Jae Joon's gaze lingered, searching Jimin's eyes for something – a hint of the past, a connection that still might exist.

Tae Min could sense the underlying discomfort, the weight of history hanging between them. He gently placed the sunglasses back on the display and stepped closer to Jimin, his presence a shield against the unspoken tension.

"Jimin, I think we should get going," Tae Min interjected smoothly, his tone polite yet firm. "We still have a few more places to visit."

Jimin looked at Tae Min with gratitude, silently thanking him for the timely intervention. "Yeah, you're right. We do have a schedule."

Jae Joon's smile faltered, disappointment flickering briefly in his eyes. "Of course. It was nice seeing you, Jimin."

Jimin nodded, his own smile a touch strained. "You too, Jae Joon."

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