Chapter 11

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sorry for grammatical mistakes

Everything was okay so far, yes everything seems okay. That's what he thought now also I mean that's what he planned.

Taehyung has been eating well, few days back, he entered in his 3 rd month luckily his health is bit better than before as said by Jin, so he felt relieved he is taking less projects than before cause he really wanted to look after Taehyung and make sure the baby and Taehyung are okay.

'Have your coffee, before it's cold," Tae Min said, getting a seat beside Jimin who looked so lost in his thoughts.

'Huhhh' Jimin said, moving his head upwards in Taemin's direction.

'Drink your coffee,' Taemin said, pointing at his coffee.

'No offence, Your soon to be husband sounds like a kindergarten kid, who doesn't like anyone taking his toys' Taemin said as he raised his hands in surrender motion.

Jimin just sighed. 'I think that too,' Jimin said.

'Or who knows he really likes, and wants to be close to you' Tae min said smiling brattly.

Jimin looked at him with growing eyes, Yoongi liked him, that sounded so Taehyung liking coffee.

He knew Yoongi always showed how much he hated Jimin, he thought at least not in this life they will even be friends with each other.

'He just likes to see me annoyed,' Jimin said as he finished his coffee.

'So the photoshoot is next week' Tae min said.

'Yup, Jimin said, nodding.

Yes, how can he forget about the photoshoot. Being not less than royalty and a chaebol family they needed to announce things, which was quite irritating sometimes.

Even though he is a model, his private life has always been hidden from paparazzi, but with Jeons is something else, most of the time they will have the media following them around.

Not just but Jeons had their own PR team, to handle everything that goes out about Jeon family has to go through them, If there is any rumours or fake rumours about the family the team would take them down, and over all manage the company's and family's reputation. Good work Yoongi Jimin.

That's why they had a meeting with the team last week, that what they will be publishing in news and magazine,

That's how Jungkook and Taehyung met through some friends and liked each other and dated for a few months and then Yoongi and Jimin met through their brothers, clicked in first go.

So hard to believe Yoongi clicking with him, sounded so unrealistic though Jimin in the meeting.

But then Jimin suggested in the meeting that why they need to put up such stories, he said maybe we just don't say anything.

But then Jungkook explained, that it is for his, Taehyung's and baby's security only, it was no secret that both brothers had crazy sasaeng fans, who would start any rumours that's why they thought it is better to make it a story and shut everyone's mouth with it, plus it is also about company and it worth, stock etc, etc.

And they need to do it before Taehyung starts to show up.


'Good evening, Young master' the maid said as he took the bags from Jungkook's hands, he nodded at her.

"Make me some coffee," he said and she nodded.

He moved ahead but he halted his steps and turned towards the maid again.

'Young master Taehyung had food and his medicine too' she informed him smiling.

He smiled.

Because they maid knew since one month Jungkook would ask her everyday that if Taehyung ate or not, he had his medicine or is there something he said he wanted, cause apparently this one time he heard in his office how this one worker that he brings everything his pregnant wife asks for cause, it is always said the baby wants it.

So that day he made note to buy Taehyung if he wants to eat something, but then he and Taehyung didn't talk much, some days he would be busy or some day Taehyung the most time they spent together was in hospital for ultrasound, he was so confused and awkward as to what to Taehyung and the other seem to avoid Jungkook alot, Jungkook felt Taehyung is mad at him, of course who wouldn't be you made him pregnant Jungkook thought to himself and turned off the shower, he just realised he was taking shower for too long.

After wearing some clothes, he came down stairs to have coffee, when he remembered something.

'There is one bag, which has strawberry cupcakes, give them to Taehyung' Jungkook said as he picked up the coffee.

Maid nodded and took the cupcakes to Taehyung's room.

When the maid came and knocked on his room, he turned his head towards the door and looked confusedly at her and then a smile spread on his lips when he saw those cupcakes.

He got from his seat and put the brush down and wiped his hands, cause he was painting.

He moved towards the table, where she kept cupcakes, like a small baby.

'Thank you, Ms. Meena' He said as he took one cup cake.

"Young master please wash your hands, it still has colors" she said smiling.

He looked at his hands confusingly then he saw some paint and moved quickly to wash off that color and came back.

And started eating, he thoughts how Jungkook knew he wanted to eat them, Yes knew it was Jungkook, even though Jimin also bought his favorite food, but Jimin would always come and eat it with him, but Jungkook would always send with maid and he has seen the Jungkook with bags.

And this one time, he went to Jungkook's room, why cause he wanted Jungkook's scent and of course he is not gonna say that out loud but he just went there to take one of Jungkook's shirt and there he saw brownies but he didn't take even though he wanted that would be bad Taetae he thought, taking shirt was okay he thought.

And now he was smiling as he was having his cupcakes, but he made a mental note to thank Jungkook. Even though he was mad Jungkook.


Hello Beautiful People.

Thank you for all the reads I got so far, I really appreciate all of you.


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