Chapter 8

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Sorry for grammatical mistakes.

Even though it was a quiet Sunday,. Jimin had an early morning photoshoot and when he came downstairs, he realised that he doesn't have his car, he was gonna call Sunoo to arrange a car for him.

Just then Grandma came,

"Jimin, Good morning," she said.

"Morning halmi', he replied bowing and smiling lightly

"Is everything okay? She asked. When she saw him a bit worried.

"Yes, it's just I need to go to a photoshoot..." and then he explained to her the whole situation.

"Ohh don't worry, this is your home too, take one of the cars from here" she said, as she called one of the maids.

Jimin thought for a while and then, he decided that this is the best option as of now otherwise he might get late also.

He just nodded his head and said thank you to grandma.

He took the first which was in the parking lot. He asked the driver to take him to his company which was one of the Shinhwa Group's Subsidiary companies so the driver didn't think much.

Yoongi took the papers in his hands, even though he needed to take care of some stuff. When he came to the parking lot, he searched for his car. His car was nowhere to be seen.

Even though he had wide range of collection that was his favourite car

He scowled at the empty space, the early autumn sun shining on his face. Yoongi had always been very particular about his belongings

Stomping closer to the empty parking space, Yoongi's anger surged but he kept his face void. He looked at the other drivers, and walked to him 'Mr. Where is my car? Yoongi asked.

The driver, a middle-aged man in a neatly pressed uniform, turned around and looked at Yoongi with an apologetic expression. "I'm sorry, Master. Your car was taken by Mr. Jimin."

"Jimin?" Yoongi spat the name like it left a sour taste in his mouth. "Jimin took my car?"

The driver nodded, shifting uncomfortably on his feet. "Yes, sir. He looked like he was in a hurry."

Yoongi nodded and left.


"And here I thought you aren't happy with marriage" Jun said as he signed papers and handed them to Yoongi.

Yoongi smiled back.

Yes the personal task was to meet Mr.Kim regarding signing a contract.

He took the file they talked for a bit and both of them parted their ways.


Yoongi walked up the stairs to go to his room, he just came back from his meeting with Mr.Kim.

He halted in his way

Upon noticing that Jimin's bedroom door was slightly ajar, Yoongi figured that the other must be back. His lips covered into more like smirk as he moved towards Jimin's room

He stood in the doorway and pushed the door a bit and cleared his throat which gained Jimin's attention,

Jimin was sitting on the edge of his neatly made bed, fidgeting with his phone. He looked up when he heard the door creak open and some coughing voice he thought, and his eyes widened in surprise when he saw Yoongi. "Oh, Hello," Jimin said, as he stood up and walked a bit

Yoongi, ever the composed one, nodded in response. "Hello. Mind if I come in?"

Jimin shook his head, a little perplexed. "Of course, Yoongi."

Yoongi stepped into Jimin's room, looking around at the cozy space that Jimin had meticulously decorated. His eyes landed on a photo frame sitting on Jimin's dressing table, It was his family photo

"How are you liking it here, Jimin? Are you comfortable?" Yoongi asked, as he took a step towards Jimin.

Jimin furrowed his brows, unsure where this was going. "Yeah, it's great. I love it here," he replied, his confusion growing.

"I'm glad to hear that, but you know I didn't get to welcome you properly' Yoongi said as he invaded Jimin's space

Yoongi took a few more steps closer, his eyes fixed on Jimin. The tension in the room seemed to mount as he kept advancing, and Jimin instinctively took a step back. The backs of his legs met the edge of his bed, and he couldn't move any further. He was now pinned between Yoongi and the wall.

Yoongi leaned closer, Jimin's eyes widened in return.

'See you're getting too comfortable here' Yoongi said as his hands went on Jimin's neck smoothly.

Jimin felt shivers run down and he gulped slowly.

There was just small distance left between them he could feel Yoongi breath fanning over his lips and Yoongi's scent filling his nostril

Soon Yoongi leaned near Jimin's ear and let his lips lingerie there, for

'Don't get too comfortable thinking what is mine, it is yours also, I don't like people touching what's mine' Yoongi said as his hands became a bit firm on Jimin's neck but not too much.

In the next second Jimin Pushed him lightly.

And angry and irritated expressions were seen on his face.

'What are you? A two year old kid? Jimin asked angrily.

A dry chuckle left Yoongi's mouth. And he shook his head.

" No asking questions Kim, just do what you're told,' Yoongi said as he took steps back to leave.

"What makes you think I will?" Jimin said with raised eyebrows.

"You will darling, after all we can't show your dad a failed marriage right" Yoongi said as he took out his cigarette and left.

Jimin stood there, as anger rose in his face.

Hello Lovely people

I am back, sorry I took too much time, I was really going through hard time, but I will update soon the next chapter.


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