Chapter 15

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Sorry for any grammatical mistakes

As he strolled through the lavish surroundings, he couldn't help but feel out of place. His steps echoed softly as he made his way toward the jewellery shop, a sense of unease settling in his mind. "What am I doing here?" he wondered, his thoughts momentarily clouded by uncertainty.

However, before he could delve deeper into his musings, the intrusive ringtone of his phone pierced through the air. Hastily retrieving it from his pocket, Yoongi answered with a sigh, "Yes, I'm here, Halmi." The reminder brought clarity; he was here for a purpose. The ring.

As Yoongi approached the jewellery shop, the gleaming display cases beckoned with their array of sparkling treasures. He finally reached the private room where Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook were engrossed in examining an assortment of rings. Clearing his throat, Yoongi announced his presence, drawing their attention away from the dazzling jewels.

"Sorry, I'm late," he admitted, a hint of apology in his voice. The trio turned to face him, expressions ranging from curiosity to amusement.

He seated himself on one of the couches, which was a bit near Jimin. They had been browsing through the store for what felt like hours. The vast array of designs and styles had left them overwhelmed, and Jimin and Taehyung, known for their pickiness, hardly found anything that caught their eye. Jungkook was completely lost in the sea of options, and Yoongi, leaning against a nearby display, seemed utterly disinterested.

After a moment of collective uncertainty, Jungkook interrupted the silent contemplation, "Why don't you guys tell them what design you want?" His suggestion broke the silence, prompting Jimin and Taehyung to exchange a brief glance before nodding in agreement.

The salesperson, who had been discreetly observing their struggle, approached them with a professional smile. "How can I assist you sir today?"

Jimin spoke first, "We're looking for something simple, clean lines, and not too flashy."

Taehyung chimed in, "Yeah, something that complements the overall vibe of our place."

Jungkook nodded in approval, glad to finally have some direction. Yoongi, still leaning against the display, raised an eyebrow, showing a subtle interest.

The salesperson, skilled in translating preferences into furniture choices, listened attentively. "I see. Simple and elegant. I have just the thing for you." With a confident nod, he disappeared into the depths of the showroom.

Jimin and Taehyung exchanged another look, this time expressing a hint of optimism. Jungkook, feeling a sense of accomplishment, leaned back on the couch he had chosen, while Yoongi observed the scene with a quiet curiosity. The salesperson returned shortly, presenting a design that seemed to align perfectly with Jimin and Taehyung's vision.

"Here you go, gentlemen. I believe this will meet your criteria," the salesperson said, unveiling the chosen piece.

Jimin and Taehyung inspected it, sharing a satisfied nod. "Perfect," Taehyung remarked.

Jungkook smiled, content with the choice, and even Yoongi, who had initially shown little interest, nodded in approval.

Jimin and Taehyung took their turns now it was turn for Yoongi and Jungkook, both of them came forward. Looking through stuff, Jungkook took this chance and turned to Taehyung and said, "would you please help me with my ring ?" Jungkook asked which made Taehyung's eyes a bit wide but he nodded and went to look for a ring. Both Jimin and Yoongi looked at them with amusement in their eyes.

But Taehyung started to go through rings just like Jungkook to help him.

"Do we also need to do that" both of them thought

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