Chapter 23

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Warning: Mature content (18+)

He never imagined he would be this tense watching his fiancé, engaged in a sword fight, alone. Jimin stood some distance from the podium stage, surrounded by a few other spectators, anxiety etched deeply on his face.

Yoongi and Junghyun stood facing each other, their swords gleaming under the harsh light. The referee, an authoritative figure dressed in a black and white uniform, stepped forward. He announced the rules, but Jimin could barely hear him over the pounding of his heart. Then, the sharp, commanding sound of a drum filled the air, signalling the start of the match.

Immediately, the metallic clinking of swords rang out, echoing through the arena. Junghyun was the first to move, lunging forward with his sword aimed at Yoongi's left arm. But Yoongi, with his quick reflexes, sidestepped the attack effortlessly.

This time, Yoongi countered by moving to the side, swinging his sword in a low arc towards Junghyun's leg. Junghyun barely managed to evade the strike, the tip of Yoongi's blade narrowly missing its mark.

"Interesting," Hoseok remarked, his voice calm yet intrigued, as he stood beside Jimin.

Jimin's eyes flicked to Hoseok. "Interesting?" he repeated, his eyebrows knitting together in confusion.

"Yes, it's not every day we see Yoongi provoked like this," Hoseok elaborated, his gaze fixed intently on the duel unfolding before them.

Indeed, it was true. Yoongi was known for his unflappable demeanour, almost to the point of seeming indifferent.

Suddenly, a disturbance in the crowd drew Jimin's attention. He turned his head back to the field and felt his heart skip a beat. Yoongi was clutching his right hand, blood seeping through his fingers, while Junghyun stood opposite him, a triumphant smirk playing on his lips.

"Oh my god, is he bleeding? Wait..." Jimin's voice trembled as he instinctively stepped forward, concern flooding his features.

"It's okay, Jimin. Yoongi is a trained swordsman. Besides, this is just a play fight," Hoseok said, his tone dismissive as he tilted his head slightly.

"A play fight? What do you mean? He just hurt Yoongi!" Jimin's voice rose, a mix of worry and frustration coloring his words.

Hoseok raised an eyebrow at Jimin's outburst.

 "Well, Junghyun likes to see Yoongi all worked up, so he'll take any chance for that. You know, childhood friends," Hoseok explained with a sigh, his gaze wandering.

As he looked around, Hoseok noticed Rose, laughing with some guy. His expression hardened momentarily but softened when Rose glanced his way and waved. He nodded back with a small, almost reluctant smile.

"What kind of friend likes to rile their friends and hurt them?" Jimin muttered, his eyes dropping to the ground. He looked up just in time to see Yoongi deftly dodging another one of Junghyun's attacks, retreating a few steps to gather himself for what seemed like a final, decisive strike.

"Junghyun does, especially since Yoongi rarely shows any anger. But I'm impressed; he got that way when you were involved," Hoseok continued, his voice carrying a note of admiration.

"Me?" Jimin turned to face Hoseok fully, his mind racing. Just then, a roar erupted from the crowd as Junghyun fell to the ground, Yoongi's sword poised threateningly above him.

"That's impossible. Yoongi doesn't even like me," Jimin said, shaking his head in disbelief.

Why would Yoongi get riled up because of him? They weren't even a normal couple. There had been times when Yoongi openly showed his disdain for Jimin.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 18 ⏰

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