Chapter 17

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Sorry for any grammatical mistakes

"Are you sure this looks good"? Taehyung asked for the 10th time as Jimin was fixing his hair. Jimin just nodded.

"Don't think too much Tae, You look pretty as always" Jimin said smiling.

"You too, hyung" Taehyung sad giving the boxy smile through mirror

Taehyung and Jimin were all dressed up for the special function, and Jimin was there to lend him a hand. They both made their way downstairs to join the gathering.

As they descended, they were met with the sight of Grandma. Jungkook and Yoongi were already seated in sleek suits, but their attention shifted when they caught sight of Taehyung and Jimin. Both of them couldn't take their eyes off

"Ommo, you both look so pretty" Grandma said as she got up.

"Thank you, Halmi," both of them said in unison and smiling.

"Come here" Grandma called them near the table where they caught several jewellery boxes.

"Choose something from here for you to wear she said to both of them" and with that, Jimin and Taehyung's eyes went a bit wide.

Grandma chuckled lightly at their reaction.

"Ohh, these are the family jewellery passed on to generations from generations, so last this belonged to Jiyeon" grandma.

"Ummhh" Jimin's face morphed into a confused one and so is Taehyung.

"Their mom" grandma said, eyeing Yoongi and Jungkook, at the mention of their late mother's name Jungkook looked away, and Yoongi remained silent with a stone face.

"Ohh, okay" Jimin said as he understood the atmosphere and he bent down to pick something and so did Taehyung.

After a while going through stuff, Jimin picked a pretty neck piece and Taehyung picked small pearl earrings.

But as Jimin was trying to put on the neckpiece, it wasn't happening he huffed, he turned to look at Taehyung to ask him for help, Taehyung was still putting his earrings, But before he could call out for Taehyung, he felt a hand touching his hand, he turned a bit to see and caught sight of Yoongi putting the neckpiece, their hands touching each other sent tiny butterflies to Jimin's stomach.

"It's done" Yoongi said

"Thank you" Jimin said, coughing a bit awkwardly.

The four of them piled into one car, while Halmi, accompanied by her Mr. Lee, her secretary, took another vehicle.

Inside the car, Taehyung couldn't contain his curiosity. "Yoongi hyung, why did we choose this place?"

Yoongi looked at Taehyung through the mirror and said, "You mean Celestial?

Taehyung nodded.

"It was found by our grandpa and his friends. It's one of the most prestigious clubs in Seoul."

Taehyung's eyes widened with surprise. "Really?"

Meanwhile, in the other car, Halmi turned to her assistant. "Make sure everything is in order, and add extra security for the party. We can't afford any mishaps tonight."

The assistant nodded, "Don't worry, Mam. I've got it all under control. The security team is already on high alert."

As they approached the venue, the grandeur of the place became evident. The building stood tall and majestic, radiating an air of elegance. The entrance was adorned with sparkling lights, welcoming the guests to the grand celebration.

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