Chapter 16

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Sorry for grammatical mistakes

"Hey, can I open the window?" Jimin's voice cut through the quiet ambiance, drawing Yoongi's attention.

Yoongi, focused on the road, stole a glance at Jimin, who was gazing out of the window.

Their eyes met, and Yoongi nodded, giving him permission. Jimin cracked the window open, allowing a gentle breeze to sweep through the car, carrying with it the scent of the city.

As they continued their journey, Yoongi noticed Jimin stealing glances at him.

Suddenly the comfortable silence was broken because of phone's ring, Jimin looked in his laps it was his phone, Sunoo's name flashing on it

Jimin picked the call.

"Yes, Sunoo, what happened?" Jimin asked.

"Hello hyung, ummm actually you know the clothing line, the one who approached us last week? Sunoo said from other line

"Yes, what about them?" Jimin asked as he looked outside.

"They confirmed, and guess what it is photoshoot with another model and artist and that too you're fav one" Sunoo said sounding very happy.

"Really, it's him, wait how do you know he's my favourite?" Jimin asked from going excited, happy to confuse one

"Ohh, hyung, you mentioned so many times,but congratulations see you tomorrow, Good night" Sunoo said.

"You little brat, Good night and Thank you" Jimin said smiling.

Yoongi raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Favourite, huh? Who's this model?"

Yoongi coughed a little which caught Jimin's attention. He looked at Yoongi who was looking at our road.

Yoongi of course wanted to know, what favourite, whose favourite but he can't ask that.

"Is everything okay?" Yoongi asked, looking at the rear mirror.

Jimin looked at him "ohh it was Sunoo, he said I have a photoshoot with my favourite artist and model" he completed with a smile on his face.

That took Yoongi interest,

"Favourite, who? Yoongi just blurred out. But when he realised he regained his facial expression.

A mischievous glint danced in Jimin's eyes as he replied, "So, are we sharing our favourites now?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips. Jimin's laughter filled the car, surprising Yoongi. It was the first time he had heard Jimin laugh so freely, and he couldn't help but feel a warmth spreading through him.

The laughter subsided as Yoongi parked the car in front of their mansion. Jimin undid his seatbelt, ready to exit the car, but before he could make a move, Yoongi leaned in closer. Jimin could feel Yoongi's warm breath on his ear as he spoke, "Yes, darling, I want to know all your favourites, especially the ones nobody knows."

Jimin's cheeks flushed, a mixture of surprise and embarrassment colouring his expression. Yoongi pulled away, leaving a flustered Jimin behind.

As Jimin stepped out of the car, he glanced back at Yoongi, who wore a small, satisfied smirk.

In an attempt to keep up with Yoongi, Jimin quickened his pace. However, his efforts to match Yoongi's long strides ended abruptly as he lost his balance. Panic flashed across Jimin's face, but before he could meet the ground, strong arms wrapped around him. The world seemed to slow down for a moment as Yoongi effortlessly caught Jimin, their bodies dangerously close.

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